Looking Back

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It was already past ten and Kookie had not returned from art class. Yoongi kept pacing the apartment, redialing Kook's cell over and over. His anxiety was in full force. The tears started. The shallow breaths started.  That's when his phone rang, an unknown number.
"Mr. Min?"
"Yes that is me, who is this?"
"Sir we need you to come to come to Severance Hospital. There has been an accident."
"Is this concerning Jeon Jungkook?"
Silence. Seems like hours before she answered.
"Yes sir."
Yoongi clicked the disconnect button and ran out the door. He texted Namjoon and sped off to his Kookie. Praying he was going to be okay.

Yoongi arrived at the hospital in record speed, his heart beating against his chest so hard it was painful. He runs in, panting, searching for someone. He spots a nurse.
"Jeon Jungkook?" He asks, tears beginning to fall again.
The nurse nods and leads him to a room. He walks in and sees his Kookie. An IV leading to an unknown substance. He looks at him. A few bruises and scratches.
"Sir, he is going to be okay. He is under sedation to help heal his wounds. He was hit by a car." She explains. Yoongi nods and sits beside him. Caressing his hand. Leaving soft kisses.

 Leaving soft kisses

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One week later:

Yoongi looks up from his book. His eyes widen when he sees Kook's eyes flutter open. His face scrunched up in discomfort.
"Oh my god baby, how are you feeling?"
Jungkook looks around the room. He looks at Yoongi.
"Do I know you?" He asked his voice hoarse.
Yoongi feels his heart drop. His eyes spring new tears.
"Kook.... it's me... your husband."
Jungkook's eyes widen. He shakes his head, like trying to clear his thoughts.
"I don't know you. Where is Taehyung?"
At that very moment Yoongi's heart shattered. Taehyung was Kookie's Ex boyfriend from 6 years prior. Yoongi stood up and called the doctor. He stood in the corner and watched the love of his life being checked. Maybe this was temporary. Soon he would beg for Yoongi's kisses.

Everyday for the next two weeks Yoongi visited. He would tell Jungkook about the last 4 years they have shared. Kookie would listen but nothing would ring a bell. He would continue to ask the nurses for Taehyung. Finally one day after speaking to the doctor and he was informed that this amnesia was not temporary, he decided to let him go. He signed the divorce papers and told him goodbye. Jungkook kept saying he was sorry. Yoongi fakes a smile, squeezes his hand one last time.
"Don't ever be sorry Kook. Maybe one day you will remember. Be healthy." He added walking away, the tears streaming down his face.

"I will always love you.." he whispered walking away.

" he whispered walking away

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