(21) Disappointment

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Ohhmmgeee . He was going to buy me the ring . I was way excited but I act like I didn’t understand what he said .

Me : Why is it so ?

Nathan : Because that ring that you’re wearing on your finger right now is way nicer :)

Me : What ?

Nathan : Yes , it’s our wedding ring and it’s very special .

I gave up . But I’m still not asking him for it . So I just decided to leave the shop before I fall in love with something else and end up in disappointment again . There was silence throughout the journey back home . Not because of the ring but I was rather tired . Nathan didn’t say a word too . He realized I was tired I guess .

When I woke up in the morning , I did all the house chores and Nathan helped me . After some rest , I decided to visit Mrs Smith . it’s been a long time since I spent some real time with her . I wanted to stay there for a few days so I packed my clothes and got ready . Nathan kept my bags and things in the car and we went to granny’s place . We had our late lunch there and talked about a few stuffs and watched a movie on the TV together . The day was getting late but Nathan hasn’t moved yet . I was thinking about staying here a few days . Nathan has work , so he could go back to his place and stay alone I thought . But he hasn’t moved an inch since the last hour . So I decided to ask him .

Me : It’s getting late .

Nathan : Yeah , you should get to bed if you’re sleepy .

Me : No , I was talking about you . I’m afraid the roads might be jammed . I suppose , you should leave early .

Nathan : Leave ? I’m not going anywhere .

Me : What ? You’re staying back ?

Nathan : Yeah . What did you think ?

Me : But you didn’t say a word about it or you didn’t even bring your clothes .

Nathan : *laughs* Who said so ? I’ve brought them . It’s still in the car .

Me : Huh ? When did this happen ?

Nathan : While you were packing your clothes at home , young lady .

Me : I’m off to bed . Good night .

What’s wrong with him ? He doesn’t trust me to be here alone ? Excuse me , before I got married , I used to stay here alone with granny . I’m used to it and I’m fine here without him . Why does he have to stay back like some kind of a bodyguard or something ? What about his work . I headed to the kitchen to get some cold drink before I went to bed . I heard granny and Nathan talking . Granny questioned Nathan about his work but he reminded her that he was the boss . Plus , he doesn’t feel comfortable living alone in his house . Without me , he feels so lonely . Although we don’t really talk that much , maybe he’s used to my presence in that house . At first I felt irritated that he had to be around us instead of us . But looking at the wider prospect , he was willing to sacrifice his work for me , just to spend some time with me and granny . I felt so touched . I went out to the hall to meet Nathan . Granny doesn’t actually know the real relationship that’s going on between me and Nathan . She always thought that we were just like any other happy couple . So I went to Nathan and wished him good night with a huge smile on my face . He felt funny and smiled back . I don’t usually do that .

We spent the next few days lazying around , having some real nice home cooked food by granny and had movie marathons until we were tired . I was nearly getting bored of the same routine . So the next morning I asked Nathan to bring me out . I wanted to go out for shopping or something . But Nathan was busy that day . He had another meeting with a new manager that was representing their partner company . The old manager of the company has left so it’s time for the new manager to take over . Their meeting was that morning . He told me that he’d bring me out the next day but I told him it was okay .

After he left , I lazied around the house for some time . Mrs Smith left to her saloon as it has been closed for many days already . I told her that I’ll be alright alone at home . I eventually got bored later and called a few of my college mates to go out . We wanted to have a small reunion as it has been quite sometime since we last met . I took a quick shower since I didn’t look really fresh . I dressed up quickly , put on a little make-up and took the train to the shopping mall . Before I left home , I called Nathan . He answered and said he was still in the meeting , but I could hear him laughing . How could he even laugh when a meeting was going on ? Or even answer the phone . usually Nathan never answers his calls during a meeting , unless it was urgent . Maybe , it was an informal meeting . I reached the mall just on time but my other two friends were already there . No , I wasn’t late , they were early . We decided to watch a movie first . We bought three tickets for a horror movie and went into the cinemas . As I was going up the escalator , I felt as if I spotted Nathan . I saw him at the lowest floor but I’m sure it wasn’t him . I totally couldn’t remember what he even wore that morning . He was supposed to be in the meeting , didn’t he ? I just called him an hour plus ago andI didn’t want to call him again to disturb . I forgot about it and enjoyed the movie .

After the movie , my friends and I went to a cafe there as we were so hungry . We ordered our drinks and some light food . We started talking about the movie that we just saw . The movie was very scary and it was cold in there . How I wish I could watch this movie with Nathan ? Maybe I should call him out again tomorrow to watch another horror movie . As my friends and I were laughing and talking , someone walked into the cafe . He looked very familiar …

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