(26) Happily Ever After!

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I saw Nathan’s face turn red . Everyone was talking and the surrounding became too noisy . Nathan finally spoke .

Nathan : Who is it ?

Me : Who else will it be , if it isn’t my husband , Mr Nathan . <3

Nathan : What ? You just scared the hell out of me . *smiles*

People started cheering as Nathan put the ring on my finger and hugged me . I hugged him back tightly . Nathan told me that he'd never want to lose me . NEVER !

Me : So who was that girl actually ? That lucky girl who managed to steal your heart ?

Nathan : That girl ? You really want to know ?

Me : Yes , definitely !

Nathan : You see that large mirror over there ? Just do me a favour . Go stand in front of it and you'll see a beautiful girl . Yes , she's the one .

Me : Aaah , I see what you did there . I love you .

Nathan : And I love you more than you do .

I hugged Nathan back and saw the finger on my left hand . The ring that he bought was actually the same ring that we saw at the Tiffany's once after the movie . Remember the ring I made a fuss out ? That my husband was a tube light ? Yes , that exact same ring . So my husband isn't really a tube light after all and I appreciate that . :D

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

So , after four years now , I'm blessed with twins . Keith my son and Kate my daughter . The four of us are very happy and granny left the world two years ago . Things are going pretty well and I'm busy with my work and family but the most important thing is , I'm happy .

Just like any other stories , mine too started with once upon a time to a happy ever after ending . But , you saw and listened what happened throughout my life , didn't you ? I just want all of you to know that life never goes the way we expect it to . There's always ups and downs as life's like a roller coaster . We have to go through every pain to be wiser . All the lessons in life are learnt for a reason . Never regret anything that happens in your life because God has a reason for every single experience . If something doesn't go the way you want it , that's because it's either too early or it was never meant to be . Time heals all wounds . So take some time and everything will eventually fall into place . Most importantly , never lose faith . Only you have the choice to choose what you want to be . Do what you think is the best for you . Just because life doesn't go the way you plan it , doesn't mean you're not going to be happy . I , too once felt it that way . But life has thrown me into something even better than I ever imagined . :)

I would like to thank everyone who took their time to read my story . Thank you so much for your support . :)

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