Chapter 1

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Notes: An au where a) Envy doesnt die and survives the promised day and b) envy now has hanahaki (also poses the question that if the feelings aren't returned, will envy die, or just sort of suffer with the flowers for a really fucking long time)
Please forgive me for any mistakes i make with hanahaki-related things, as this is my first time writing it, and i'm mostly writing it at 4 in the morning.
Most of it is told from Envy's point of view, as I know them.. a bit better than I do Ed.
Thank u to the first person who commented for giving me the title ^-^


It had started a few months after the promised day. Before that, Envy had managed to crawl away from Mustang and the group, hearing Ed tell him to let them be since they were defenseless now. They managed to find an area where they could hide from them so Mustang wouldn't try anything again. And they sat there for a while, thinking over lot and lots of things, but mostly stuff about that young blonde alchemist. For the longest time, they kind of hated the kid, and it's an awfully good thing he was such a precious sacrifice for Envy might have tried to kill him multiple times. But things were almost different now to them, seeing as he had seen right through them and pointed out the one thing they tried so much to hide.

They weren't sure if they should be angry, or sad, or what emotion they should feel really.

And after a few months of waiting and presumably a little murder, they managed to get their form back and no longer had to be a little green worm.

And that's when the flowers showed up.

Coughing up a few petals and maybe a little blood didn't really concern the homunculus, rather it confused them since they had never heard of such a thing happening to people (much less a homunculus like themself), but they brushed it aside to worry about later. Maybe they'd ask Ed about it, he always seemed to know about weird little things like that. But then again, maybe there wasn't an explanation for it at all, and Envy would just have to accept the fact that they now coughed up flower petals. As if that was anything compared to having to drown out thousands of screams inside their head, but that had become easy for them anyway after being alive for so long.
And so they asked Ed about it. They had been trying to hang out with him even before they got their body back, though Ed was always rather hesitant to do so, but every now and then they succeeded in being around him for an hour or two. Of course, it was sort of hard to hang out much now, with him heading back to Resembool and all, but Envy found ways to get places. And the look of both surprise and shock on Winry's face when she opened the door to see them standing there was almost priceless.

"Where's the pipsqueak." They said, almost serious-sounding for once.
"Oh, um, he's inside. Should I get him for you?" Winry replied, but there was no need for her to go get Ed, as he heard someone call him a pipsqueak again, and since he was much taller now and should not be called a pipsqueak anymore, came to make sure that whoever called him that knew.

"Who are you calling a pip- Oh hi Envy what are you doing here." He said, wondering why Envy was all the way in Resembool.

"I need to ask you a question." They said, and at great timing, coughed a little bit, allowing a few petals to come out into the palm of their hand. They brushed them off on their skort and tried to ignore it.
"Would that question have anything to do with the fact you just coughed up flower petals?" Ed said, looking down at Envy's hand and the petals that now clung to their skort.

"Yeah. Why the fuck am I coughing up petals! Is this just a new thing I have to go through! Is this normal!?"

"Normally I'd tell you it isn't but I've heard of a few cases where people began to cough up flower petals, but a few of those ended in the person dying..." "But I'd assume your gonna be fine since you can regenerate and all. If I remember right its called Hanahaki, it's caused by unrequited love."

It suddenly hit Envy that the emotion they had been feeling towards Ed for a little while now could very well be love, but honestly, they weren't entirely sure how to deal with that. Them? Love a human? Unlikely. Couldn't happen.
Or maybe it could?

Maybe it was like Greed always said. There's no such thing as no such thing.

"Alright. Cool. Thanks. See ya later, pipsqueak." They said, waving goodbye as they walked away. They were left wondering if they could really die from this ... hanahaki was it called? Ed was right, it might not affect them too bad since they can regenerate. But they can only regenerate for so long, if their stone runs out of energy then their fucked. And while that wouldn't be for a long while, Envy really didn't want to be coughing up flower petals and blood for hundreds of years.
They'd outlive the object of their affections too. Would it stop once Ed had died? They thought of trying to kill him to find out. But then they'd never get to see him again, so they pushed the thought away.
They still had more time to think on it though, as Central was a long walk away and they had nothing else to do but think.

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