Chapter 7

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Notes: i wanted this to be longer and split into two chapters but for the sake of word count... here we are
ik its probably disappointing to not have a full-on smut scene BUT I CANT WRITE IT so haha here we are :3c
ill,, try to update more i promise


There was a moment of silence between the two after the question was posed. Envy had never been asked if they wanted to do something like this, and in their many, many years of life, had never really been interested in it anyways. There were easier ways to do things than this, and they rather preferred it. They'd rather leave these sorts of things to Lust, she'd understand them more.
But this was Ed who had asked, and considering the circumstances, they weren't sure that they really wanted to say no to his offer.
There were a few more moments of silence.

"You know what, sure, why not, it's a new experience." They said finally, in their normal, slightly passive-aggressive tone.

Ed, finally realizing what exactly he had offered, did not say anything to the homunculus. He only motioned for them to come closer to him. Which was not technically the closest they had been, but still, closer than the few feet that they had between them before.
They were both obviously very nervous to actually initiate any thing remotely close to what they had been talking about.

So more moments of silence there were between the two.

Slowly, it was Envy who moved in closer to the alchemist, eventually pressing their slight cold lips against the other's much warmer ones. Quickly, they broke apart, but was just as quick returned by the other.
Soon enough, the two settled into a rhythm, and eventually Ed took off his shirt (thankfully, he had already taken off his coat). His hands slowly moved up to the hem of Envy's crop top, and he tried to slip his fingers under, but the clothing seemed to be unusually apart of the other's body.
They noticed his struggle, and red lightning crackled across the homunculus' body, revealing a nicely toned chest and... well, they were right when they said they didn't have anything down there. They paused, realizing that might cause a problem, before the problem was, well, solved. Ed paused too, taking in the form of the being now in front of him, completely naked in a fraction of the time that it'd take him. As he began to slip off his own pants, so it wasn't completely awkward for Envy to be without clothes, he found himself pushed down onto the ground, Envy pressing their cold lips against his.

They both found themselves relaxing into the kiss, Ed bringing his hands up and tangling them into Envy's hair. Envy slowly moved from his mouth to his neck, more than definitely leaving marks there and on his collarbone, only acceptable since Ed didn't have to go back to Resembool quite yet.
Envy's hands eventually found themselves tugging at the hem of Ed's underwear, completely immersed in the moment, before Ed stopped. They didn't quite realize that their kiss had broken and continued to slip further down until Ed grabbed their arm, and they froze as he spoke--

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

Their eyes widened as the question slipped from Ed's lips. They tried their hardest to speak, but found themselves coughing for a moment, a small, red petal still tugging at the corner of their mouth even after they tried to brush it away.

"I-i--" Envy spoke, before finding themselves in pain. They doubled over, clutching their stomach as they coughed. Blood began to pour from their mouth, splattering their legs and forming a pool on the floor in front of them. Petals and flowers floated in the blood, Envy showing no sign of stopping, lightning crackling around them nonstop. Buds started to form on the surface of their skin, and they angry plucked them out as they formed, freckling their arms in spots of blood as well.
In a panic, Ed ran past Envy, his pants falling down to his ankles, and dialed the number of the first doctor he knew.

"I-I-" He stumbled, "M-my friend. Th-their hanahaki has progressed too far. Please do not question their state, but I need someone t-to come down beneath central, a-as quick as they can."


The doctor arrived after about an hour. Ed had hoped that it may have been someone like Marcoh, but he didn't want to anger Envy more by calling him up. They didn't have the best history and couldn't imagine that either of them would want to help in a situation like this. He briefed the doctor that come on Envy's situation, and how they weren't human, and said he'd pay them double for the work if they didn't say a word about Envy's existence.
Envy had passed out after about 30 minutes of nonstop coughing and pulling out flower buds and stems that repeatedly tried to push out of their constantly healing skin. They lay on the floor, still unclothed (that was embarrassing to explain to the doctor), the occasional lightning flicking across their skin.

"So.. your... "friend" here," The doctor began to speak, "Let their hanahaki progress too far without any real medical treatment? And they also can't... die. Is that right?"

Ed nodded to the doctor, "Their made from alchemy. I-I'm not quite sure if this would be able to be cured by the usual surgery, they may just heal up before you can get inside... But I have an idea of something that might work."

The doctors eyes widened at this, "Have you tried any other methods? Perhaps finding out who exactly is the cause of this, and seeing if the feelings are returned?"
"I have. I... have an idea of who it is, but with the way things have progressed, I don't think if... I returned the feelings it would have any effect. It's too far along, and none of us have an idea of how such a disease could even form in a being like them."

"Alright..." said the doctor, contemplating their response, "What's your plan?"

Ed flashed the doctor a smile and ran to find his notes that he had left somewhere within the maze that was the underneath of Central. After a minute of rummaging through assortted papers, he finds them, happily waving them in the air as he walks back towards the doctor.

"So, we keep them in this near exhausted state. If they get any more exhausted, they may wear out their Philosopher's Stone, and revert to a small version of their true form. Which we can't perform surgery on". The doctor nodded as they looked over Ed's notes and diagrams,

"We perform the surgery with me, the object of affection, and an alchemist present. I-I don't know who the alchemist should be, I can't use alchemy anymore and I'm not sure who'd be willing but.... we perform the surgery as normal."

The doctor pauses, "Is that all? Just perform it normally?"

"Oh, no. In the event that the surgery heals up, which it might... we remove their philosopher's stone and replace it with a brand new one, made from new souls."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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