chapter two

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On the bus ride to the Olympic Village it is made even clearer that Brittany and Janessa have serious feelings for Red. Even though I love him and I don't see the other girls backing off of him without a fight, we can't let this get in between our team. We need to medal. I chat with Violet all through the ride, and she agrees that we need to focus on bobsledding and not let Red, or anyone else, get the way of our training. Because of all the traffic, we don't get to the gates of the village until 7:30.

"I would kill for a cheeseburger and some Mountain Dew right now," I say to Violet. All of a sudden Red's face pops up from the seat in front of us and he turns to face me.

"I love Mountain Dew!" he exclaims.

Shaun White pipes up and asks, "Are y'all talkin' Mountain Dews baby?" Violet, Red, Shaun, and I all laugh, recalling one of Shaun's first interviews.

The bus finally lurches to a halt, prompting every passenger to gather their things to prepare to deboard the bus.

"Hey Jennifer, would you want to grab dinner with me?" I hear Red's voice ask. I am so caught off guard I don't know what to say.

The butterflies in my stomach almost prevent me from saying, "That'd be great!" Just

as I said that I look over to Violet. She seems disappointed. Oh no, she wants to sit with me but Red asked me to dinner. I decide to invite her to dinner because I think she, Red, and I will all have fun at dinner together.

"Hey Violet, do you want to join us?" I turn and ask her.

"Yeah that sounds like fun."

After I go up to our room and unpack, Violet and I head downstairs to meet Red for dinner. As we walk out of the room and start towards the elevator Brittany and Janessa follow us.

"Where are you two going?" Janessa demands.

"To dinner, would either of you like to join us?" Violet responds. No Violet!! Brittany and Janessa might start going for Red for real at dinner. How could she be so ignorant?!

"That sounds like a grand idea! Let's all go," Brittany chirps.

The four of us enter the elevator and continue on downstairs. As soon as our elevator opens, Red's and Shaun's elevator opens too. The six of us kindly greet each other and agree to go to a Korea restaurant for dinner.

Once we're at the restaurant I hurry to sit by Red's side. Unfortunately Janessa sits on the other side of him and Brittany sits across from him.

"Red, what do you think of the Olympic Village so far?" I ask kindly, striking up the first conversation with him. The other girls must be so jealous because I talk to him the most, and, therefore, he must like me the best.

"It's really nice so–" Red starts saying but he cuts himself off quickly. A look of discomfort crosses his face. I start to wonder what has just happened; however, I see Brittany's cunning eyes look into Red's, and I make my hypothesis. I look under the table to see if I'm right, and I am. That snake! She is playing footsie with MY man. But little does Brittany know I am very good at making situations go my way.

"Hey Brittany could you switch seats with me? I have to turn too much to talk to Red."

"Oh of course Jennifer." She stands up quickly and walks over to my chair. That was way easier than I thought it would be.

The night continues on without a hiccup, besides the occasion glares between Janessa, Brittany, and me. But when Red says something funny, causing the whole table to burst into laughter, Red's face again looks off put. Is Brittany playing footsie with him again?! I look under the table and to my horror I see her hand on Red's thigh. What does she think she's doing?! I open my mouth to tell her off when Janessa, who was returning from the bathroom, bumped into my head and my face smacked right into my Bulgogi. That snake! She did it on purpose! I am overcome with embarrassment that I leave the table and go to the bathroom to clean myself up. There are two snakes fighting for my Red right now, someone better cut them before they bite.

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