Lovely- Sero oneshot

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Narrators pov

Y/n got ready for her/his day, not knowing what was gonna happen later on. After y/n was ready he/she headed out, y/n lived pretty close to sero so they normally walked together. Sero saw her/him, and yelled "hey gumball!" Y/n looked and smiled "oh hey duct tape!" He caught up and smiled. "Having a good day so far?" Y/n nodded "pretty good", sero wrapped his arm around y/n's shoulder "thats good". Y/n blushed, it was normal for him to do this, so why  is it affecting her/him now? Y/n shrugged and kept walking with sero. "What do you think today's gonna be like?" Sero shrugged and smiled at the ray of sunshine under his arm. 'lovely'

-time skip to school-

When the two got into class mina took a picture and yelled "awe! You guys look so cute together" y/n blushed and so did sero. "I-it's not like that mina!" Y/n yelled, sero looked down, but before you could see mr aizawa came in and everyone took their seats.

-seros pov-

Why? We always hear that and she always says the same thing, but hurt?

I kept thinking about what she/he said. I thought about it until it was lunch time "duct tape, its lunch time. Lets go" i nodded and walked with bubblegum. I thinks its time to tell him/her how i feel. Here goes nothing "hey y/n?" They looked at me "yeah sero?" 'Oh god' "hey i um.. need to tell you something" she/he lit up. "I don't know to express it but...i like you, you're a great person and i've always liked you i just only recently realized that i love you. We've been friends for ever but i wanted to be more" she/he looked shocked before giggling and giving me a kiss, "i love you too duct tape" i smiled and hugged y/n, "you're such a lovely person" is all they said before mina came crashing in "i knew it! I knew you guys would become a thing!" Y/n blushed and all i could do was smile "yep! And im happy" 

-a few months later-also no ones pov-

"Sero, it hurts" sero giggled "it'll only hurt for a second" y/n winced "here i'll kiss it to make it better" y/n nodded sheepishly. "Does that feel better¿" Y/n nodded and smiled "thanks babe" y/n wrapped the band-aid around her/his finger and smiled "i love you babe, now m finger feels so much better" he smiled "good, don't cut carrots so fast okay?" Y/n nodded "fine"

-sorry its short-

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