~x~ Chapter 2 - The Cute Girl ~x~

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~Toga's POV~

    After Dabi and I left we separated and went to packed are stuff, but the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about why shiggy wanted us to leave so suddenly. It doesn't make sense. I mean yeah we have to pack, but we didn't have to leave his room right away. He also looked panicked, and that scares me.

    "Who the fuck put the oven on 600 degrees and put pizza rolls inside!?" I heard someone yell from the kitchen. "Shit! I totally forgot about the pizza rolls!" I panicked, "but it doesn't matter now that someone noticed." I mumbled.
    "It was Dabi!" I shouted. "No, it wasn't you bitch!" Dabi yelled from across the hall. "Meh, I tried," I mumbled and finished up packing.

    "Now what do I do? I still have.. what? 4 hours? Dabi probably won't wanna hang out. Shiggy is in his room, and I don't wanna bother him if somethings up. And all the other villains here are older and pretty scary.." I mumbled and sat on my bare bed with no sheets, blankets, or pillows.

    "Maybe I could text someone?" I mumbled and took out my phone. "Let's see.. shiggy, no. Dabi, no. Uraraka? Isn't that the cute girl in 1-A?" I asked myself. "Hm, I'll text her... hopefully I can apologize," I mumbled, I then clicked her name and started to type.


Hello, are you free to talk?


Yeah, I am, who is this?

I'll tell you, but please don't freak out... I'm lonely

Okay, I won't freak out. Just please tell me

Ok, My name is Toga. We met at the camp

I remember you

Is that a good 'I remember you' or a bad one?

Because if it's bad I'll leave you alone, I just feel lonely. I'm sorry for bothering you

Wait don't leave

I meant it in a good way, I remember that you're the strong girl that pinned me down!

You think I'm strong?

Yeah! You pinned me! And that was after all my training at the camp, and I learned a lot there. So yeah I think you're strong!

Thanks! I've never been complimented on my strength, I mean I live with a bunch of boys and only 1 other girl

That really sucks


Do any of them catch your eye 😉

Lol, no. I don't like boys like that 🤣

Oops 😳

My bad

It's fine! But what about you? Any hot boys?

No, and same reason as you

Really?! Yes! I finally found another lesbian! Yay!

Hehe, if you're ever looking for homosexuals look towards U.A. You're like the 8th homosexual I know

Omg! Do any of them catch your eye?

Not really, their all my friends and I don't like them like that

Is there anyone you do like?


I do think this one girl is sorta cute, but she's not really into hero type stuff, sooo

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