《Run in》

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(Hey hey hey! How strange it isn't a Sal x Travis story- anyway enjoy!~👻)

Uraraka pov
I was listening to Mr. Aizawa talk about sending each of us on our own missions as sometimes that is what heroes would have to do. Deku was paired up with Todoroki as Mr. Aizawa didn't want to find Deku at the hospital with something newly broken. I was sent to a enclosed wooded area, I didnt mind as I'm used to tight spaces. Later that night I left the small living area of the dorms and went to my room to go pack for my 'mission' as it was the next afternoon, I started to feel a bit drowsy I sat on my bed and most likely fell asleep a few seconds later.

I woke up to the sounds of knocking on my door I walked over and opened it groggily as I saw Tsu, I invited her in and we chated for a bit as I kept on packing, I finaly finished and Tsu left to go pack her things.

----------------------------time skip brought to you by Deku's broken bones-----------

I quickly changed into my hero suit grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulders and ran over to Tsu as we walked to UA together, as we walked in we saw the usual thing, Bakugo trying not blast Deku in the face as Todoroki looked at the 2 for them to stop fighting. Me and Tsu giggled

"So where is your mission Ochako?" Tsu asked with a smile

"In an enclosed forest, what about you Tsu?" I answer adding a question

"To a swamp somewhere around the town I guess" Tsu shrugged

"I hope we dont run into any villians.." I said looking at Tsu she nodded.

-------------Time skip brought to you by Bakugo's anger issues----------

I started doing my part around the forest, it had gotten dark pretty early..as it is winter but I didn't expect it to be this cold. I shivered as I kept walking around noticing a few cabins, I obviously checked them and the people were quite nice.

I later heard rustling in the bushes and quickly turned to them following the noise that led to a cabin. I knocked on the door and a sweet old woman answered and offered for me to come in as she said I looked cold, I agreed and she offered me a snack, I took it as I still had a while till I could go to the hotel I was staying at. I heard the woman whisper under her breath "damnit..."

I look at her a bit concerned "is everything alright ma'am?"

"Oh yes, everything is fine!" The woman looked as if she was flickering from a teenager back to her normal self..maybe that was her quirk...it didnt seem as she had ran to a different room as I come after her noticing she is that villian me and Tsu met, I felt something unusual especially since I was looking at a villian, my heart skipped a beat as I felt my face heating up and I noticed she was blocking her face as she looked terrified.

I stood there staying still, why was I feeling like this..she's a villian! She took my blood last time I saw her! But I still felt this way her arms slowly unblocking her face as she stood up straight her head looking down at the ground.

"Is everything alright..?" I ask concern echoes through my voice

"Oh..yes! I'm fine!" She looked as if she was full of pain.

"If you ever wanna talk you could call me.." I suggested

"But I'm a villian..why are you being nice to me..?" She questioned looking up at me.

"Because you deserve it," I said grabbing a pencil and paper writing down my number and handing it to her.

She stayed silent "I've got to get back to my hotel room, call me if you need anything" I ran out of the shack feeling happy that I was there for her even if she was a villian.

Hey so I know that when I "posted this" it didn't show up because I wasn't meant to post it, because yeah so peace and have a nice life!

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