Day Five.1;; Tremble - Fear

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    “Are… are you actually scared right now, Sasuke?” Naruto asked, a hint of incredulity laced between his soft chuckle.

    Sasuke turned his gaze to his boyfriend whose smug aura was irritating him beyond words, but before he could make any remark, a sudden burst of colour reached his peripheral. His body tensed as a willowy, shaded figure on the screen appeared out of seemingly nowhere and grabbed the unsuspecting woman. His hearty gasp, though not as loud as the screaming coming from the television, was audible enough that the man he was clinging to guffawed.

    “What the fuck, Naruto? This isn't funny!” He snapped, punching the blond’s arm.

    “Seeing you scared like this is beyond funny to me, Sasuke,” Naruto said, his voice rumbling as he fought to contain his laughter. “It's downright hilarious."

    Sasuke faced away from his idiot of a boyfriend, returning his attention to the film. He regretted many things about this night, such as agreeing to watch a movie and letting Naruto pick the genre. He regretted choosing this film, as he thought it didn't look quite as horrific as the others but, much to his dismay, was quite wrong. He regretted ignoring the muffled sounds of warning alarms in the back of his mind when he noticed that playful glint in those azure eyes and the ghost of a smirk that danced across his boyfriend’s face. He regretted watching the small snippets he saw before he managed to avert his gaze. He regretted looking up at the precise moment when entrails were flying in every direction. He regretted many, many things, including the goosebumps that erupted over his skin as he shivered. He hoped that action would go unnoticed by his lover. It did not.

    “You're shaking! I can't believe this!” Naruto hunched over as a fit of laughter overtook his body. He placed a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder to steady himself, only to lose his cool all over again when the raven-haired man jumped at the touch. “You're trembling! You're so scared right now! I can't believe I'm dating such a big baby!”

    “Not anymore, you aren't. Good luck finding someone else willing to put up with you,” Sasuke growled as he flung the hand off his shoulder and crossed his arms with a pout, ignoring the cackling from beside him. He hated movie nights.

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