Chapter 6!

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When Aleks got out of the bathroom, he was dressed in his Optimus prime swim shorts.
"So, do you still run?" He asked me.
He opened the door an I ran out, dropping my towel in the hall. When I neared the elevator, I could hear his footsteps behind me and he passed me. Without thinking I jumped on his back and he fell.
"Owww!! Fuck!" He said.
"Sorry, but I have to win this one!" I got up and ran.
I pushed the elevator button and looked back. Aleks grabbed my waist and swung me around, my back against his chest. God, I missed the old Aleks, but now he's back! I giggled when the door opened and he jumped in with me still in his arms.
"Haha! Ok you win, now let me go." I giggled.
I looked over and wiggled my right arm out of his grasp and pushed the first floor button. We were on the fourth floor and so it would take a bit.
"Ok, can I be free now?" I whined.
"Let me think about it."
The elevator beeped at us and stopped.
"What the fuck?" I questioned.
"It must have stopped." He said.
Noooo!!!! I can't stay in here!!!
"Aleks." I said.
He looked at me concerned.
"I have claustrophobia, please, can you get me out of here." I said panicking a bit.
"Calm down it's ok!" He laughed.
"It's not funny ok? Do you have our phone?" I yelled.
I tried to escape his hold on me but he still wouldn't let go. He held on to me so close that I could feel the muscles in his body.
"I'm gonna let you go, but you can't panic, ok?" He said.
I nodded slowly and he let go. I walked around, trying to cover myself up but he soon noticed.
"You don't have to try and cover yourself up, your covered up already." He whispered and sat down in the corner.
He had his legs spread apart and his arms out wide.
"Come here, you're panicking." Without refusing, I sat down in the space of his legs and leaned against his chest.
I could feel his heartbeat against my back and I couldn't resist it.
"Aleks, your heartbeat is so soothing." I whispered.
He chuckled a bit and put his hands on my waist. I grabbed them and pulled them across my stomach and we locked fingers. I think I love him, like a lot.
"Do you remember the last day that you saw me?" He asked, breaking me out of thought.
I nodded and he continued.
"Did you really mean what you said?"
"Aleks, I would never lie to someone I love." I whispered.
I turned my head so I could see his eyes and he pulled me closer to him. His heart rate grew and I think mine did too.
"You guys ok?" I heard a man ask over the intercom.
"Yea! We're just waiting!" Aleks yelled.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his head on my forehead. He looked down at me and for a second, I thought we were never going to look away, like this moment was going to last forever.
"I'm ok." I whispered.
He smiled a little bit and then the elevator started moving again. I shot up and jumped up and down doing a little cheer.
"Aren't you glad that it's moving again?" I questioned.
He looked at me and got up too, "If you're glad, I'm glad!" He said and pulled me into a hug.
The last bell dinged and we walked out of the elevator to only be greeted by the other men.
"Jesus Christ!! What took you two so long?!" Kevin exclaimed.
"The elevator broke down." I said not mentioning anything that happened in it.
We all walked outside to the pool and hot tub and we were the only ones out here. I had to walk next to the pool to even get into the tub and when I walked by it, Aleks pushed me in. I screamed for a split second and then hit the cold water. I came up or air and swam over to the side shivering. Aleks stood there laughing at me so I guess it's my chance for revenge. I grabbed his ankle and pulled him in. He yelled too but I pulled with all of my strength and he came in too.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck it's cold!!" He said swimming over by me.
"Haha! Now you know how I feel." I said getting out.
All of the other guys went towards the hot tub and I wanted to get warm too so once I got out I tried walking over to it.
"So you're just gonna leave me?" Aleks questioned, swimming out, away from the side.
I wanted to, but I didn't. He was my best friend and I'm not supposed to leave a friend behind. I backed up a little bit and then ran towards the edge and jumped. Once I was in the air, I pulled my legs to my chest and hit the water. I swam up laughing.
"Your turn."
I shivered a little as he swam by, touching my leg a bit.
"You cold?" He asked stopping.
I shook my head no and he continue to swim away. Once he was out he shook his head and made his hair all poofy. I giggled at the look of how it laid on his head. He smiled at me and then jumped in, doing a flip. He didn't come up right away, instead he grabbed my leg and pulled me under too. I came up with him afterwards and we both laughed when all of the other guys jumped in and said their opinion on how cold it was. I swam over to the edge of it and curled up in a ball on the stairs.
"You sure you aren't cold?" Aleks asked again.
This time I shrugged and he pulled me into the warmest hug ever.
"A-Aleks! You're so warm!! But how? It's so cold in this water!!" I exclaimed, cuddling into his hug.
He shrugged too and I giggled a bit. After about two hours of staying in the cold water, we decided to all go in the hot tub. When we all got there, James suggested one of the most interesting games.
"How about truth or dare?"
"Yes!!" We all laughed when we yelled it at the same time. I cuddled up with Aleks like how we were in the elevator and I leaned my head against his shoulder.
"I'll start!" James yelled. "Seamus, truth or dare?"
Seamus looked a him. "Truth!"
"Ok," he sighed, "Are you a virgin?"
Seamus shook his head no and all of us 'oooooo'ed him.
"My turn, Aleks truth or dare?"
He looked at him and also said truth. All of us huffed and then Seamus had one.
"Aleks, are you dating Ember?"
Aleks blushed when I looked at him and I blushed too. Shit, why am I blushing? Does he even like me like he said he did? Has he fallen for another girl?
"No, I'm not dating Ember, but I wish." He said.
"Hahaha!!! Ooooo, Ember!!" Everyone said.
I blushed even more and move out of Aleks' legs and swam on the other side of the hot tub so he was on the other side of me, but still in front.
"Alright, it's my turn. Ember, truth or dare?" Aleks asked.
I wanted to say dare but then I also wanted to say truth. Which one?
James laughed his really hilarious laugh and then everyone clued in on it except Aleks and I. He stared at me with a grin on his dad and I looked away because I could feel my cheeks heat up.
"Ok then, I dare you to lick James' ass!!" He yelled.
I looked over at James and he smiled awkwardly and then laughed. I laughed too after a few seconds of awkwardness.
"Like, nude ass or swim trunks ass?" I asked.
Aleks smiled.
"Now did I say ass or trunks?"
I sighed and scooted over by him. He pulled his pants down just a little and I licked it!
"I think there's a hair in my mouth." I gagged.
After a few more hours of sitting in the hot tub, we got into the pool. It was freezing put we lasted.
"Lets play a game!" Dexter said.
I laughed, "What game?"
"Lets chicken fight!!" Kevin, Jordan, Seamus, and Dan all suggested.
"Ok, you in Aleks?"
He nodded at me and I smiled big. We all paired up. Dexter with Kevin. Seamus with Dan. Jordan with James. And Aleks with me. Aleks put me on his shoulders and our first battle was with James and Jordan. James was struggling on Jordan's shoulder so I just pushed him off and won. Next was Seamus and Dan. I won that one too and then it was Kevin and Dex. Kevin's was on Dexter's shoulders and at first it was easy but Kev grabbed my shoulders and I grabbed his.
"Die you sonsabitch!!!" Dexte screamed at Aleks.
"C'mon Aleks!! We're almost there!!!" I yelled laughing.
I pushed one more time before Kevin fell backwards.
"The winners!!!!" Seamus screamed and held up one of Aleks' arms.
I laughed along with everyone else.
"Ok, here's the thing. The winners have to get on somebody's shoulders, and battle themselves."
I got on Dexter's shoulders and he hung onto my legs right, I'm sure just to make sure I didn't fall. I trusted Dexter and so this wasn't going to be hard. Aleks got on Jordan's shoulders and we were put in front of each other. Aleks smiled at me and I gave off a small smile. 'I'm so dead' I thought while I smiled. Before we started, a few other people came in through the doors. They were complete strangers but I had an amazing plan. Dexter looked up at me an I looked over at Jordan to come closer. He came closer and I whispered to all of the boys.
"Lets be the most craziest sonsabitches these people have ever seen! Got it! Aleks an I will start off. Just act crazy!" All of the guys agreed and then James got up on the side of the pool and followed the plan perfectly.
"Ok all of you motherfuckers out there!! Ember and Aleks will be fighting today to end this very special day off!! Embers is a fierce yet weak woman!!" I put my arms up and screamed.
James continued, "ImmortalHD is a strong yet stupid man!!!" Aleks just yelled.
"Get shreked woman!!" I spit on him and we backed up.
All of the people were staring at us now. Dexter ran and Jordan ran too until Aleks and I met. I grabbed his arms and pulled then away from him and he quickly pulled them back and pushed me off of Dexter's shoulders. I hit the cold water and came up with all of the guys dancing on the side of the pool. I laughed and all of the people left without even getting in the pool. Oh, well. They just missed the best group of people in the world.
"Lets o play truth or dare in the hot tub again!" I said swam over to it.
When I jumped in the hot water seemed boiling.
"God, fuck!!!" I yelled and pulled Kevin in.
"Nooooo!!!" Dan yelled. "Come back here BB!!"
I laughed and everyone got in. Aleks was on my left side and then Kevin was on my right.
"I'll start!!" Dan yelled. " Aleks, truth or dare?"
"Oooooo!" I said and Dan pulled out his phone from the towel on a chair.
"Prank call someone!! And make it good!!"
Aleks grabbed the phone and typed in a restricted number and made us all shut up.
"Hello?" The woman behind the phone said.
"Hello!! This is Dan from 31 flavors!! If you can guess 31 flavors in 31 seconds, you will get 31million dollars!! GO!!" He yelled.
"Oh umm vanilla chocolate strawberry peanut butter chocolate chip... Ect." She said 31 flavors.
Aleks and I stared at each other.
"So how will I get my money?" She asked.
"That was 32 seconds, you lost!" Aleks said and then hung up.
I burst out laughing afterwards.
"My turn!!! Dexter, truth or dare?"
Aleks stared at Dexter and he also said dare.
"I dare you to go up to the window and rub your nude cock all over it."
Dexter stared at him and then eventually did it.
"Fuck!! That's a cold window!!" He soda after he was finished.
"Ember, truth or dare?" He asked me.
"Well, obviously I'd choose dare!" I exclaimed.
Dexter looked at Kevin and then back at me.
"I dare you to make out with Kevin!!!" he said
I stare a Kev and then at Aleks.
"Or will your boyfriend be jealous?" He asked me.
"He's not my fucking boyfriend!!"
Dexter looked at me with his eyebrows raised.
"Is this what you do for a living? Look at people making out? You sicko!!" I laughed.
"I think I'm done here." Aleks said and left.
"If he's done I'm done because I have to situate the beds around. Dexter, Kevin, Aleks and I are already sharing a room." I soda and got up.
I wrapped myself with a towel and then chased after Aleks. When I got to the elevator with him he looked at me.
"Don't ever think that those men can push you around like that, ok?" He said.
I nodded and grabbed his hand but he pulled it away.
"Aleeeeeeekkkksssss!" I groaned and hopped on the elevator.
This elevator was the same one that broke down so I was a little scared. When it stopped at the fourth floor, Aleks ran towards the room and I left my towel behind running after him. When we got to the room, I shut the door behind us and he laid down on one of the beds.
"Aleks please talk to me." I said.
He didn't say anything.
"I'll sit on you." I warned.
This time he sat up but still didn't talk. I walked over to him and sat on the bed behind where he sat. I leaned my back up against his and he leaned his against mine. The last time we did this was right after we ran for forever trying to find my dog after it ran away. He leaned his back against mine an I did the same to him. When we did this I cried for my puppy. But now I have nothing to cry about.
"I'm gonna get in the shower." I said and got up.
Once I got in the shower I didn't want to get out. When I washed my body, I traced my hands over a big scar I of on my stomach after Aleks moved. I was in a big car accident a week after and I never told Aleks because I didn't want him to worry when he was in collage and making friends. When I was in the accident, a piece of the car went into my side and they had to take me to surgery immediately. They though I wasn't gonna make it but I did. After washing off the soap from my body, I wrapped myself with a towel and opened the door quietly to only hear Aleks playing his ukulele. He was playing his missioncraft song but wasn't singing along. I walked out slowly and sat down next him, he was dressed in sweats and a sweatshirt that said 'HD' on the back of it. He stopped playing and hugged me so tight I felt like I was going to be killed.
"Ember, I missed you so much!! And now I have you please don't leave me again." He said.
"Actually, you left! Not me you dick!!" I said and got up.
I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a bra, underwear, sweats, and a shirt that said 'Embers' on it in a dark red with the background color being black. I walked into the bathroom and changed into it all and walked out to Aleks watching tv. I snuggled up with one of the pillows behind him.
"Hey, where are the guys?" I asked.
"They went to go get pizza."
He turned to a cartoon channel and adventure time was on.
"OH KEEP IT HERE!!" I yelled and grabbed the remote out of his hands.
He stared at me but then his eyes moved down.
"Nice shirt." He pointed at it.
"Nice jacket!" I laughed.
I laid down with the pillow I had before and he laid down on the other pillow.
"Aleks, do you regret ever moving away?" I asked.
"No, because if I hadn't, we wouldn't have had such an awesome night like tonight. Would we?"
I kissed his cheek and then snuggled up next to him.
He looked down at me.
"Do you still love me like you said you did before you left?"
"No," I felt like I just died inside. "I love you more."
"Are you a virgin?" He asked me.
"Yea, why?"
"Because girls like you, funny smart, beautiful, aren't these days."
I blushed and laid on top of him like how we laid the night before he left. He played with my hair.
"Aleks?" I asked and turned off the tv.
He looked at me and then I grabbed his hair and started playing with it too.
"Has anything changed? Like about me?" I asked.
"Yea! You're way more beautiful, you're way more funny, you're anything and everything I find in a girl." I blushed.
"You're so cute when you blush." I blushed more.
"Stawwwp!" I groaned.
"How long does it take the guys to get pizza?" He questioned.
Why can't he just ask me out?! I mean we both like each other and he even said that I'm perfect for him.
"Ember?" He asked. "Did anything happen to you while I was gone?" He asked.
The car accident came straight to my mind but I didn't want to tell him.
"Wait, what car accident?" He questioned.
"Shit, did I say that out loud?!"
He nodded and sat up a little. I ended up sitting on his lap while he rested his back against the bed rest. What do I do? Tell him the truth, I have to.
"W-well, about a week after you left, I got in a h-horrible car accident and I got something stuck in my side an had to go into surgery immediately." I pulled up my shirt.
His cold hands brushed up against my side where the scar was.
"Why didn't you tell me this?"
I pulled down my shirt.
"Because you had just started your first week of collage and I didn't want to make you worry about me. I wanted to make your first week of collage stress free." I said.
He pulled me into a hug and I cried.
"Aleks, sometimes it hurts so much. Sometimes I'm in so much pain that I jus want to give up."
"If that ever happens again, tell me."
"You'll e able to tell I start throwing up a lot and I never eat when it hurts. The doctors said that it's normal and that it will be with me my whole life."
"Can I see it one more time?" He tugged at my shirt. I pulled it up a little and he ran his fingers across it. It hurt really bad when you touched it but I didn't want to show him that it did.
"Aleks." I moaned out of pain.
He pulled his hands away and pulled my shirt down.
"Sorry that I hurt you." He said.
I fell backwards and stared up at the ceiling. He got on top of me and kissed my nose.
"I can hear the guys coming!" He said.
We both jumped up happily and ran towards the door. We opened it and Dexter and Kevin both came in with a pizza box. I grabbed it out of their hands and ran over to the kitchen area.
"Now, all of you!! Sit and I'll serve you."
I gave them all three slices, leaving me with three as well. I took a bite of the pizza and we all just talked about video games and what we're going to do tomorrow.
"Hey, what time is it anyway?" I asked.
"11:15 why?" Kevin said, checking his phone.
"No reason."
We talked more after we were finished eating and then Dexter went to bed. Aleks went to bed after that and so it was just Kev and I.
"Hey, Ember."
"Yea?" I looked at Kevin.
"When they dared you to make out with me, were you mad? Is it because of Aleks?"
I nodded a bit and then looked back at Aleks.
"I actually really like Aleks. We've been friends since I was seven and he was eight. The last time that I saw him, we confessed our feelings about each other and then he moved over here. After that, I almost died in a car accident. I never let go because I knew a day would come that I would see him again."
"Ok, well sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Goodnight." He got up and went to bed.
I sat in the darkness for a few minutes until I heard someone start to softly snore. I got up after that and took off my sweats to only be in my YouTube shirt and my underwear. I'm so glad that my shirt covers up my ass. I walked over to the bed and crawled into the covers. Aleks pulled me closer to him and I could feel his bare legs on mine.
He whispered in my ear, "Thanks for all that you said."
I turned my head. "You know it's true."
He put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him.
I kissed Aleks' cheek, "Goodnight."
We both fell asleep after we talked for a bit.

Ok yes this chapter was really weird but I was bored and I didn't want to go to bed and so I was just like fuck it I'm writing another one. Here it is and thanks for reading it! Bye!!!!!

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