Chapter 8!!!!!

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-time skip, let's say about a week!!-
I ran into the creature house. I had packed all of my stuff, even changed schools for this day. It's so special I didn't even tell the guys that I was moving here.
"IT'S MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!!!!" I screamed and jumped into the kitchen.
When I landed I slipped on a towel and fell on my ass.
"Oh fuck! Ember!! Are you ok?" Dan yelled.
He ran to my side and I jumped up, into his arms.
"Well, happy birthday!" Dan laughed.
I laughed as well.
Everyone came running down and Seamus even said "Cake?" I opened up the door and revealed a small moving van. Everyone cheered.
"But wait where are you going to stay?!" Jordan asked.
Aleks an James nodded.
"At Dominick's place." I whispered.
They all hated him, but I didn't. We were dating and today I scheduled a party at the pool since it was mid June and the weather was 100 plus degrees outside.
"Well, that's a dick move." Dexter said.
I glared at him.
"Watch, he's such a good boyfriend that he'll come to my party today." I pulled out my phone and dialed my number, putting it on speaker.
"Hey Dominick!"
"Hey Em!!"
"Do you have any free time today because I have a birthday-"
"I can't I uhh have to stay with my mother today."
I looked at Seamus. He grinned at me.
"Oh, ok. I'll jus go with the guys then. Bye."
He hung up and didn't even say goodbye to me or even an 'I love you'.
"Told you." Dexter said.
"Shut the fuck up. All of you, go get dressed in your swimsuits!" I ran out the door to the van.
Aleks ran after me. I opened the door and calmed down, grabbing a swimsuit.
"Are you ok?"
"Aleks, please, don't talk about it. I'm fine."
I pushed passed him and walked into the house. He followed behind me and I ran up to the bathroom to get dressed.
"Shit!!" I yelled.
I grabbed the wrong swimsuit. It was a bikini, my black one. And it showed my big scar. I threw all of the other ones out so I had no other choice. I got dressed really fast. I grabbed my swim towel and wrapped it around my body.
"You almost ready?" Seamus knocked.
"Umm, I need help." I said quietly.
I opened up the door a crack and he came in. I trusted him, he was like a brother to me already so I had nothing to be worried about.
"Umm, my stomach." I whispered.
"You're not fa-" he started.
"No, I have a scar."
He stopped and looked at me. His hands grabbed the towel and pulled it back. My scar was red and looked like shit. He poked it.
"Fuck! Don't!"
"Sorry." He pulled my towel back up.
"It's not bad, you're ok! Besides you aren't going to be impressing anyone, Dominick's not going to be there." He whispered.
I glared at him and we both walked out. We walked out to Jordan's car and almost died because of being squished so badly.
-at da pool-
I hopped out of the car and very one else jumped out, stretching. I didn't stretch much because I didn't want to have my side hurt. We all ran to the pool and signed in as 'YouTube party'. That was what I named the party because I couldn't think of anything else at the moment. We all raced each other outside and jumped into the deepest side of the pool. I swam over to Aleks and pulled him under and then swam over to Seamus.
"Help!!" I screamed.
He tried to block me but Aleks just swam under him and pulled me by my feet. Nobody was in the deep part, but us, so I just swam up and splashed everyone. I looked over to the more touchable side and saw a man that looked just like Dominick.
"Who do you see?" Dan asked.
"Just somebody that looked like Dominick."
He looked over and turned around towards Seamus. He swam over there and whispered something in his ear. I didn't pay much attention to it until he started swimming over here.
"Just shake it off, it might not even be him." He said.
I swam over by Aleks and jumped on his back and started splashing James, using Aleks as a shield.
"Hey!" Someone yelled.
I turned around as got splashed and almost died.
"My shield!! Where has it gone?!" I yelled and swam in circles.
We played for a few more hours unit they called us out from complaints of being inappropriate and swearing. We all got in the car and Jordan and Dan sat in front. Dexter and James sat by the windows, Kevin sat next to James, and Seamus and Aleks were sitting next to me. We all decided to play corners and we almost killed Dex. When we got to the house I changed into a 'what does the fox say?' shit and some sweats.
"Well, today was a fun day. I had a really sweat time with all of you guys. I'll be off to Dominick's house, bye!" I said.
After all of the guys gave me hugs goodbye and warned me about stuff, I left.
-at Dominick's apartment-
I opened the door a little bit and heard him laughing. I didn't want to ruin a good moment for him, so I shut the door and knocked.
"Who is it?" He asked.
"Your girlfriend!!"
I heard him come to the door and he opened it a little bit.
"Who is it?" I heard someone ask.
It sounded like a girl, but it could be his mother.
"I didn't know you were coming today." He whispered.
"I told you like five times!!" I laughed.
He laughed and I could tell it was fake.
"Is that your mom?" I asked.
"No I'm his fucking girlfriend, what do you want?" The girl asked, opening the door up all the way.
"Oh, I was just coming over to my best bud's house to tell him something important."
"And what might that be? You're wasting my time." She said.
"That I broke up with my boyfriend." I ran towards the truck.
"Stay here. I'll be back." He ran towards me.
I got to the truck and tried to open the door but I locked it. He grabbed my arm and I shooed his hand off.
"There is nothing for me to listen to, it over." I yelled.
"No! Just fucking listen!!" He turned me around.
"What the fuck do you want you ass-"
I was cut off by him slapping me.
"Your acting like a real bitch, go burn in fucking hell." He said and walked off.
I fumbled with my keys again and unlocked the van and drove off. I almost hit another car because I was crying so hard. I drove straight towards the creature house and when I got there I knocked on the locked door.
"Hellooooo?" Kevin asked.
I jumped into his arms and hid my cheek into his neck. I couldn't hold back anymore tears so I just cried. I cried into his neck and tried to muffle the sobs.
"Ember, what's wrong?" Dex asked.
Kevin walked over to the couch and set me down and I immediately covered my face.
"Ember, talk to us." Kevin demanded.
I looked up a little and only saw Kev and Dex so I uncovered my face.
I had a super red cheek and a split lip. It burned really bad. Dexter hugged me and Kevin ran down to Seamus' room. A minute later he came up with Seamus and had me tell him everything that happened. After I was finished I cried harder than I think I've ever cried.
"Do to want me to stay with you for tonight?" Kevin asked.
I shook my head, "I think I'll just stay in the couch tonight."
"Is it ok if I stay down here with you?"
I nodded and Seamus and Dexter went to their rooms. Kevin stayed with me and I felt safe in his arms. We laid with each other until my phone rang. It was Dominick. Kevin took my phone and answered.
"You don't have the right to call this number anymore. Don't ever call again." He hung up.
I shook and wanted to cry more but Kevin picked me up and walked downstairs. I didn't know what we were doing until he turned on the x-box. Video games. He tossed me a paddle and we both played battle block theatre. It was around 4:00 when we went to bed, but playing video games helped me he my mind off of what happened.

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