Chapter 6

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We pull up to Kian Lawley's house and it's amazing. The house is huge and the view is amazing. There's a lot of people hanging out on the front lawn and there are red plastic cups everywhere. The music is blaring from speakers that have been placed outside and there are people dancing everywhere. All of us head to the front door and we're greeted by one of the most attractive things walking around on planet earth. Kian Lawley.

"Hey ladies!" Kian says and opens the door for us.

We all greet him with a smile and walk into his beautiful house. Even more people occupy the inside of the house. Everywhere you look there are people dancing, drinking, and just having fun. I spot the boys sitting on a couch. I motion my friends to follow me and we make our way over to them. We all try to squeeze in on the couch, but there ends up not being enough room for me to sit, so Cameron offers me his lap. Luckily I wasn't wearing a short dress. Someone comes over to our table and puts down a tray of shots. Everyone takes a round. The alcohol burns in my throat, but it feels good.

"So now what?" Nash asks, he is sitting next to Emily and Hayes who are literally sucking each others faces off. Ew.

"We should play Never Have I Ever." Carter says while wiggling his eyebrows.

Everyone agrees, but I have a feeling this isn't going to turn out well.

All of us were sitting in a circle on the floor. I was sitting between Cameron and Delilah. Never have I ever is a game where you hold out both of your hands, you go around in a circle and say something you've never done and if anyone in the group has done it they put one of there fingers down. The winner is the person who is the only one left with fingers up. (Sorry I'm bad at explaining things!)

"Never have I ever smoked." Cameron says.

Carter, Nash, and Sam all put one of their fingers down.

"Sam! You've smoked before!" Ashleigh says with a look of surprise on her face.

"Well yeah, I mean I tried it once during sophomore year when I was dating Bill." She says like its not a big deal.

"Oh, we weren't friends with you then." Ashleigh says. "Because if we were I would've shoved that cigarette up your anus."

We all burst out in laughter and Claire looks like a dying seal.

Next to Cameron is Emily.

"Never have I ever given anyone a lap dance." She says while giggling.

Payton, Sam, Carter, and Matt all put one of their fingers down.

Sam had to put her finger down because last year in a very bad game of truth or dare, Nash had dared her to give Gilinsky a lap dance. She did it to the song You and I by one direction and it was one of the funniest things ever. Payton and Taylor were into some weird stuff so that didn't really surprise me. Carter was Carter. Matt on the other hand I had no idea, maybe him and Claire... I didn't even want to know.

Next to Emily was Hayes but he couldn't really find anything he hasn't done so it was Julia's turn.

The game kept going and Claire ended up winning and none of us even knew how.

* * *

We were now playing truth or dare. I hate this game sometimes.

"Rylie truth or dare?" Nash says with a smirk on his face and we all know that that's not a good thing because of what happened last time.

"Um truth." I say unsure. I didn't want to pick dare because of what had happened last time.

"Do you have a thing for Cameron?" He says.

My heart stops in my chest and I feel my hands start to shake. My immediate reaction should've been to say no, but I couldn't form words in my mouth. I wasn't sure of what I should say, because if I said no he'd never know, and for some reason I didn't want that. I wanted to find out if he felt the same, but if he didn't that would ruin everything. So instead of saying something, I run.

- - -

Cameron's POV:

She doesn't say anything she just gets up and starts to run away. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean though. It could mean that she does, but it could also mean that she doesn't. My head was spinning thinking of all the possibilities, but I remember that Rylie had left, so I go after her.

- - -

Rylie's POV:

I didn't know where I was going I just knew that I needed to get away. I felt an ache in my chest and my eyes were watering. I ran past people and when I saw a staircase I went up them hoping to be alone. I opened multiple doors just to find people making out, and doing other things. I run further down hallways until I reach a dead end and open the last door to find a bathroom. Thank goodness. I shut and locked the door behind me. I slid down the door and onto the tiles. I didn't know why I was being so emotional and taking this out of proportion, but I seriously just could've ruined everything between Cameron and I. I didn't know what else to do besides cry. I thought about our relationship now, we were really good friends and he always told me that nothing could change that. He also said it was okay to cry, and when I did, he would hold me and tell me that everything would be okay. But this time I was crying about him. My reaction had probably told him the answer to if I had feelings for him or not. He was probably all grossed out and didn't want to talk to me anymore. I closed my eyes and tried to just relax, and figure out a way to handle this.


That was a crappy chapter x - Chandni

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