At The Nightclub...
Ginny and Luna dragging Hermione inside of the club where people had dance, drinking until they got drunk, partying, kissing and etc which made Hermione got mortified.
"Guys, are you sure about this?" She asked as she got even more mortified.
"It's fine, now let's go to the dance floor shall we?" Ginny said with a smile and began dragging Hermione along with Luna to the dance floor where they dance all night which they said the night is still young, the song that the DJ had played is "The Night Is Still Young" By Nicki Minaj.
They dance and dance nonstop while Hermione was nervous at first but got a bit scared as Ginny and Luna pressured her to dance, and so, she did anyway.
After they dance nonstop, they got tired and decided to head for the drinks so they went to the bar.
Ginny managed to sit on the right stool while Luna sit on the left stool while Hermione sit in the middle between them.
As the bartender came and asked what drink that they order, Hermione was about to say no but Ginny ordered like 15 shots of margarita for her, Hermione and Luna, as they waited patiently for him to made their drinks.
"Guys, don't you think it was too much? I mean what happens if we get drunk?" Hermione responded with a worried tone.
"Nonsense, everything will be fine Mione, and besides, the night is still young." Ginny insisted as Luna nodded in agreement.
Hermione's about to protest them but sighed as she gave up and said "Fine, you guys win, but if we get drunk, I'm blaming on you two." as duo cheered while Hermione cover her face, mortified she thought Why do they this to me? Why?
Finally, the bartender came back with 15 shots of margarita for the trio as they thanked him and gave him a warm smile as he left.
Hermione at first, she didn't want to drink alcoholic drinks but since Ginny and Luna insist Hermione to try, the trio began to shot down their first shot of margarita, and it tasted so damn good that Hermione started to like the taste as Ginny and Luna were really proud of their best friend.
They began talking and laughing while taking their 5th shots of margarita and the sooner and later they began to shot down their 10th shots of margarita.
Our Love Is Wicked (Dramione, Blinny & Thuna AU)
FanfictionHermione's Life Turns Out To Be Perfect But One Night, Her Best Friends Ginny and Luna Dragged Her Partying At The Club, And She Met Draco Malfoy while she's drunk. Will Their Love Be Wicked? NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THIS ART, IT GOES TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNE...