Chapter 3

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When I got him into the sunlight I saw that it was my son we both stopped fighting and stared at each other.My son Trenton said almost as a whisper,"Dad?"I pulled my son into a a hug while saying "yes son it's me".It didn't last long though because immediately I pulled out of the hug and said,"Are you with these people or what"?We sat down at the table and he began to explain things to me.He said that it happened in the morning  there was screaming and yelling.When he looked out the window he saw our neighbors attack their dog and start to eat it he said he could still hear the dogs whimpers.He didn't know what was happening but he didn't want  anything to get into the house.So he went around and locked doors and windows and for good precaution he went into the garage through the door in the house and got boards and boarded every possible entry up in the house.They stayed there until the men came he thought they were army so he went with them.I then asked him,"Trenton where are the girls, are they safe!"

Well thank you for reading this book I will update it again very soon there will be no voting this time sincerely your stalker.

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