Thirty-three: "Let's train hard, Tanjiro!"

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It had been a few days since Rukika had been told of her brother's state. It had been a few days since Tanjiro had promised to be by her side. As he was, for the most part.

Rukika had no longer went to training as often as everyone else, she found no use for it since she had already beaten Kanao and Shinobu during training. They hadn't forced her to attend either, since it seemed all too easy for the depressed girl.

Tanjiro had walked into the room, seeing Rukika reading a book to her sleeping brother. 'She's so sweet, to bad Rikiya-San can't hear her.' He thought.

Rukika looked up to Tanjiro, a small smile appeared on her face as she got up and hugged him. Rukika would never admit it but she enjoyed Tanjiro's presence. He returned the hug, taking in her scent of flowers and flowing streams.

"You should come to training today..." Tanjiro told her. He had been alone for the past few days, Zenitsu and Inosuke had stopped training with him and he had gotten lonely, so he finally asked Rukika to join him.

"Today?" She asked. Tanjiro could tell from her voice that she didn't want to leave her brother.

"If you don't want to then...then it's okay." Tanjiro smiled at her and her chest fell. She could tell that his smile was forced. 'Does he really want me to go that bad?'

"I'll come! Let's go!" She exclaimed taking his hand and running out of the room, shutting it behind them. 'If I get there sooner I come back faster!'

The two kids ran through the estate. Tanjiro was being dragged by his arm as Rukika's small hand held his. Tanjiro could feel his face heat up from embarrassment.

They had made it to the training room, but it was only two of them. "Just you?! I can't believe those guys!!" Aoi's voice yelled.

Tanjiro let go of Rukika's hand and let his head drop. "I'm sorry, I tried to convince them but I brought Rukika." He pointed to the white haired girl and Aoi nodded. "I'll try to bring them tomorrow." He added.

"No need! There's no need to mind those two anymore. And if you don't want to come, you don't have to." Aoi spoke to Tanjiro. She had not really minded Rukika for she was only there for moral support.

"I'll do my best!!" He exclaimed causing Rukika to chuckle. She watched as Tanjiro had been beaten over and over again. Kanoe had no mercy or restriction as she played against Tanjiro. It made Rukika smile, to see Tanjiro work so hard.

Rukika had accompanied Tanjiro to practice for the next 10 days, watching him lose consecutively. All she did was smile at how cute she found his efforts. "You got this Tanjiro!" She would cheer with a wide smile on her face. "I believe in you!"

On the 10th day of training, that's when Tanjiro felt defeated. "Good work..." he told himself as he was soaked from green tea medication. Rukika followed behind him, a small smile becoming a frown.

"I think you did well..." Rukika said as she went for his hand. "You'll get her!" She encouraged letting her hand grasp his. Tanjiro felt his face flush as he stared at Rukika's eyes. 'Has she always looked this cute?'

Their moment was stopped when Tanjiro's sleeve was tugged at. "Wagh, you scared me!" Tanjiro exclaimed as Rukika let go of him. She hasn't noticed how flustered she made him, but she noticed how hot her face became. 'Why did he look at me like that?'

"What's wrong?" Tanjiro asked with a worried expression. The three small girls that stood in front of him looked at each other then to Rukika. Confused, she smiled at them.

The middle girl extended out her hands, revealing a cloth. "A towel..." she said while holding out to Tanjiro.

Tanjiro's face beamed with a charming smile, causing the three girls and Rukika to be blinded by admiration. "Wah! Thanks for helping me out! You're so nice!"

He put the towel over his head and dried it. Rukika just admired how adorable he looked as he praised the children. 'He's so lovely.'

"Tanjiro-san, can you do the full focus breath all day and all night?" The middle girl asked again. Rukika's ears perked up. 'Full concentration 24 hours?'

"Do you always use full focus breath even while sleeping?" The small girl asked again. 'Is there even such a thing possible?'

"No I don't...." Tanjiro's face became one of shock. "I haven't done that there even such a thing possible?"

The small girl smiled. "Yes! There's a dimensional difference between those who can do and those who can not." Tanjiro glanced at Rukika then looked back to the three young girls.

"It's tough to use full breath for even a do it all day?" Tanjiro said and he griped the towel over his head.

"There are some people who can already do it. Like the pillars, Kanoe-San and Rukika-San. Please try hard." The three girls said. Rukika felt her face heat up.

Tanjiro looked to all four of them. "I see!! Thanks I'll give it a try!!" He bowed to the three young girls and grabbed Rukika's hand as he ran. He wanted to start as soon as possible.

"Tanjiro...where are we going?" She asked. 'How did I not notice before? Is that why Rukika and Kanoe smell similar to the pillars?'

Tanjiro had soon realized he was dragging the poor girl. He let go as soon as they reached the fresh air of the estate. "I'm sorry, Rukika! I didn't mean to!" He said apologizing.

Rukika gave a small laugh with a cute smile. Tanjiro felt his heart beat quicken at the sight of her.

"Let's train hard, Tanjiro!"



The first upload was Dec 23, 2019 and look at how far we've come!! Please continue to support me throughout the making of this book!!

I wouldn't be continuing to write these chapters if it wasn't for all you guys!! Thank you so much for all of the hope you've given me!!

As a thank you, I've illustrated my concept for KNY academy!! Please excuse the messy ness of the sketch....

As a thank you, I've illustrated my concept for KNY academy!! Please excuse the messy ness of the sketch

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Please enjoy the illustration above because I worked hard on it >.<!!

Thank you all for the love and encouragement!! I will continue to work hard and make this book more enjoyable for you all :)))

Also thank you to Shushchildidc , aliarious , @karthika2301, @snow_demon02, and Perseus_Dragneel for all of the votes and comments all of you have left!!

It really makes me got 🥺🥺🥺 soft mode when y'all do that.

Also thank you to those who have added this book to your reading lists I really do be loving all the support because it really makes me  😳☺️

Please enjoy TBOTS!!!

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