Fourty-five: Rikiya

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"Ruki?" I called into the darkness for the 100th time. No answer.

"Rukika? Sister?" I called again. I had forgotten the sound of her voice. Had I really not remembered her?

"Good evening, Rikiya-san."

Ah, that voice again.

It was soft, calming.

"Rukika?" I called again. No response.

I wondered in the darkness, each step sounding like ripples on water.

There was nothing here. Where is Rukika? It's so cold.

"Sister?" I called as I wondered in the cold nothingness. She never responded.

Day after day, I never heard her voice. Only one voice would greet me every other hour, that's how I kept track of days.

Day after day, it grew more lonely.

Day after day, the rippling water grew louder.

How long had it been since I seen her? How long had it been since I felt her warmth?

I don't like it here, Rukika. I want to go home. Let's go home, please. It's lonely.

I wondered into the never ending emptiness.

Sister, are you well? Will you help me? Can you help me?

I don't want to be here. I don't like this.

I couldn't see anything, not even myself.

It's dark. It's cold. It's lonely.

It's so lonely. Why can't I find you? Are you hiding?

I'll keep walking till I find you. Maybe you'll be around the corner.'re not here either....

Okay...maybe a little bit'll be here right?'re not here....

It's okay, I'll keep walking, you'll find me right?

Little sister, are you well?

It's been so long since I've heard you. It's been so long since I've seen you. I miss you. Are you coming home?

Maybe if I walk more, I'll find you.

She's not coming...

She'll be here, I know it

She can't save you...

She will, I know it

She forgot about you...

She hasn't, I know it


Shush, you're making my head hurt. She'll come back, she has to.

Rukika, are you well?

It's been so lonely without you. I miss your laugh. I miss your smile. I miss you. Come home.

Step after step, the darkness only expands.

Step after step, the ripples only get louder.

Step after step, I get tired.

Rukika, I'm scared. Rukika, I miss you. Come home. Come back. It's lonely. I'm lonely. It's so cold.

I wondered only further and further into the cold. It's so cold. It's so dark. It's so lonely. So lonely.

I don't remember the last time I saw light.

In the distance I saw a sparkle. I could only wonder closer till I realized what it was. I ran. I sprinted.

The cold disappeared the closer I got. The warmth was over powering the loneliness. It was like a star, like the sun, like Rukika.

It was warm, if made me happy. It shined brightly.

My hand reached for it.

"Don't touch it." A voice called behind me. I turned to it. For the longest time in a while, I saw someone.

It was myself. My old self. My younger self.

"If you wish to see our sister again, don't fall into your urges so easy." He didn't sound like me.

"I'm lonely. I'm cold."

"You touch it, your sanity dies. You become what you are. Your sister is fighting for her life to save yours. Are you foolish?" He walked towards me. I could see it now. The uniform. It was myself in the uniform.

"You were too weak, you couldn't save yourself. So don't cry when you can't do it now. Your sister is trying her hardest. Don't be selfish and kill yourself." He took out a sword and held it to his side.

"I won't let you kill yourself." He raised it. "So wake up." I felt something hard fall onto my neck.

I sat up. The brightness of a lamp came from my side. A room? Where am I?


Yes...if you have questions please ask them here.....

Also a special thanks to those who left comment and likes:

I know there is possibly more, and I'm sorry if I had forgotten you >.< I try to get everyone I can see

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