Chapter 2 - Campground Sight

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Towards the end of the bus ride, all the students got out of the bus. I walked to the end of the bus; I grab my two bags then listened.

"Put all of your phones and headphones away and listen up!"  One of the teachers yells at all the students. I put my phone away and let my headphones rest on my neck then listen to the person who's in charge of the campgrounds.

"Listen up! Welcome to Pearl Side Campgrounds! Where you can do many fun activities like swimming, climbing, and more! Today I will be assigning you on where you are going to be living and what are you doing every day." says the person in charge.

I walk off, quietly, and I look around the campgrounds. To be honest, I didn't know Pearl Side High can afford this campground. The principal must be extraordinarily rich to afford the school, campgrounds, and keep it clean all the time. You know how much money you must have just to your students entertained?! I walked back to buses and my assign house is #8 so I walked to the house and walked up the stairs. I opened the door and looked around; the house was pretty. Ali and Ember came running down, opened their arms for a hug.

"I'm so glad that we have the same house!" I said to Ali and Ember.

Ali and Ember both said, "I agree!"

We let go of each other and I ask, "Do you guys know where my room is?"

"I know, I have the paper to guide us on where everybody goes since, I was the first one here. Follow me!" Ali said.

Ali started walk to my room while I was following behind her, she opens my door and I looked at it with a shocked face. "OMG! My room is so big!" I said while walking inside and putting my bags down.

I walked to my closet and excitedly said "THERE'S EVEN A WALK-IN CLOSET!"

I walked back to Ali and said, "What does your and Ember's room look like?"

"It's the same thing as yours" Ali said.

After I put all my stuff away, I walked around the house and it's huge. As I look around, took out my writing journal and wrote down as I thought 'Did I mention that my phone and not any device is not going to work at all? Lucky me, I downloaded an app where I can listen to my music even in the wild. Poor popular people are probably not going to have a party but now that I think about it, they have those nerd hackers to help them.' I walked around the house to figure out where everything is. Towards the end of walking the house, I walked back to my room, and text my parents saying, 'I'm at the camp sight, I'll call you when I'm going back to school!' then sent the message.

I walk to Ali's room and sat down on her chair, "Hey Ali!" I said to her.

"Oh! Hi Mae! What's up?" she said while still putting her stuff away.

"Nothing much! I just walked around the house to figure out where everything is, that's all." I said back to her as we continue to talk about random things.

Ember came to Ali's room and said, "The teacher wants us in front house #5 right now", we stopped talking got up, leave the house, and walked to house #5 while we started talking again. We stopped in front of house #5 and then we stopped talking.

The teacher saw us and started talking "Hello everybody! Tonight, we are going to have a bonfire along with fireworks, food, and s'mores!" everybody cheered including us, three. 'To be honest, it doesn't matter what age, anybody can have s'mores!' as I thought.

"For now, you can do whatever you want, see you tonight students!" the teacher said then walked off. I walked back to our house, walked to my room, and took a nap before the bonfire starts.

I woke up, put on my black crop top hoodie on along with my black high waist pants with my black shoes, then I walked downstairs then sat on the couch. A few minutes have gone by and I heard some knocking on the door, I groan then got up and open the door to see the second most popular girl at the door.

I said, "What's up?"

"The teacher said to get everybody else and say that the bonfire is starting soon! And excellent choice of clothing!" she said with excitement.

"Thanks for the information and thanks for the compliment!" I said back to her with a slight smile. I close the door, walked upstairs, and knocked on Ali's door and Ember's door.

The both opened the door, Ember just listens to us then Ali asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing wrong but get ready, the bonfire is starts soon!" I said smiling at both.

"Thanks!" both Ali and Ember said.

I walked downstairs, put my shoes, grab my phone then put in my pocket, and sits down on one of stairs. After a few minutes, Ali come out wearing a plain black hoodie with black exercise pants and black martins' boats. Ember come out wearing a pink peach hoodie with black shorts and black martins' boats.

"Come on or we are not going to have any s'mores!" I said. I got up, walk to the front door, opened it, and waited for Ali and Ember. As Ali and Ember was coming down, I looked outside and looked around to find the bonfire.

"I found the bonfire sight." I said to Ali and Ember.

I walked outside and then we walked to the bonfire sight with Ember closing our front door. We went in the middle of bonfire, ready to grab some s'mores. Then we sat down enjoying every moment. A few minutes later, after every student devoured the food and the s'mores. The people who works here started the fireworks and just to describe everything like our feeling and describing the fireworks was absolutely breath taking! I have never felt so calm yet extremely happy in my life and that's when I will always the moment. There was so many fireworks, that it lasted 25 minutes!

Towards the end of the firework show, a small asteroid, slowly turning into a bigger asteroid was coming towards us. All the students including me, Ali, and Ember got up, quickly, and ran away. Unfortunately, all three of us didn't ran fast enough when the asteroid hit the where the bonfire was. We were knock unconscious then the teachers carried us up to our bedrooms.

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