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Sooo... I'm not gonna do pics of the characters because the people are real and I don't wanna put a picture in ur head that's not right and will make u imagine the characters wrong, but I also don't wanna show u real pics of them 'cause... u know... that would be really creepy. So I'm gonna describe the characters. How they look, their personalities, and families. ALSO+ this book isn't completely real. It's fiction... kinda.... It's BASED on a TRUE story. so... yeah. Enjoy! (Also, sorry if I ever sound racist. I wrote this a while ago.)

-Sofia Juarez-

Hair: Dark brown, wavy, naturally light on the ends, thick, down to hips.

Body: tall (5'9''), tan, fit, skinny (but not lanky), thic (but not big - u know-), needs and wears glasses (they're cute) dark/chocolate brown eyes.

Ethnicity: Italian/Hispanic (from SPAIN for all ya'll amuricans like me ;-))/ kinda middle eastern looking/and her mom's white so... u know.... British Isles.
Age: 15 a Sophomore.
Personality: smart, sporty (loves volleyball and tennis best but will play any sport for fun), competetive, kind, good sense of humor, optimistic yet negative (ikr), flirty (but not obnoxiously (you know what I mean?), mostly introverted (but still very social), and learning spanish.

Fam: Dad/Richard - 43 - hispanic/ italian/ 6'3''/ rly nice and funny and hard working, Mom/Kristen - 43 - brittish isles (but jet black hair)/ 5'5''/ rly smart and hard working, Sister/Gabby - 17 (a junior)- brittish iles/ hispanic/ 5'3''/ rly funny and kind, and Brother/Lorenzo/Buddy - 13 (7th grade -?)- brittish iles/ italian/ 5'2''/ rly funny and kind. (all have black hair)

~Preston Wilson~

Hair: Dark brown, wavy, thick (imagine the hair cut however u want)

Body: light greenish/blue/grey eyes, TAN (keeps summer tan all year round), strong, lean, tall - for a 15 yr old w/short parents ;-) - (5'11''), fit.

Age: 15 almost 16 a Sophomore
Personality: funny, sweet, smart, hard working, sporty (does fricking RUGBY and TRAVELS THE WORLD for it!!!, and FOOTBALL!, also he surfs... soooo ♥), hard working, serious yet jokes around (you know?) learning spanish, mostly introverted but like Sofia is social (and very popular), and a total gentleman ♥. Fam: Dad - 45 - italian/ british isles/ 5'9''/ nice, smart, and hard working, Mom - 46 - slightly italian/ british isles/ 5'6''/ smart, serious, and kind, Sister/Sydney - 18 - british isles/ slightly italian/ 5'5''/ nice, smart, and flirtly, Sister/Bella - 17 senior (?) - British isles/ 5'4''/ two faced, flirty, and funny (but mostly to guys), Brother/Davis - 11 (5th grade) - British isles/ 4'10''/ nice, (baby)cute, and smart. (Dad - grey hair, mom and sydney - black hair, bella and Davis - dirty blond hair)

~Cadence Jordan~

Hair: Black, kinky curly (almost like an afro), long.

Body: tall-ish (5'7"), dark skin, fit, and hazel eyes.

Ethnicity: African American

Age: 15 - Sophomore

Personality: funny, fun - will play any sport or game or just talk if that's what her friends r doing, full of energy, hard working, kind, talkative, very social (basically, she's awesome! I miss her so much!!!♥).

Fam: Dad - 42 - african american/ 6'4''/ hard working, smart, serious, Mom - 41 - VERY white/ 5'10''/ funny, kinda an emberassing mom, and kind, Brother - 14 - african american/ white/ 5'5''/ annoying, lots of energy, hard working, Brother - 10 - african american/ white/ also annoying, CRAZY. (all have black kinky/curly hair except Mom - blond hair.)

~Ashton Nicole (I call her Sun Chip - u'll find out why in the book)~

Hair: light brown hair, down to her shoulders.

Body: super tiny (5'3''), pale, freccles, green eyes, looks like she's trying to hard tho.

Age: 14 almost 15, but looks 12.

Personality (from what I could see): insecure, tries too hard to be cool, not like sports, kinda funny, loud, nice - but sadly u don't rly get to see it cause she's too busy being "cool".

Fam (I feel like for her fam it's not rly important except for one person sooo: Dad, Mom, Sister - 18, Brother/Hayden - 17 - Kinda special needs (I rly don't wanna be offencive to anyone! Just so u know I love him! he was so sweet and fun and funny, but it'll add to the story. He makes some funny and stressfull things happen. And he doesn't have enough mental problems to not know better and be mature u know? and he did act pretty much his age.)/ glasses/ funny, fun, loves girls - or at least thinks it's cool to say that he has "15 side chicks and 3 girlfriends", Brother - 10.

~Dakota Montegieu~

Hair: Short, Blonde

Body: Kinda short (5'9''), stocky, blue eyes - with GIANT PUPILS!!! (I swear the whole time it looked like he was high!!! 😂😂😂) very pale.

Age: 17 Junior - looks like a senior or something, but acts SOOOOOOO immature!

Personality: immature, kinda nice, funny, creepy (as in he kinda stared at me 😬), loved to show off his "tumbling" (back flips), likes playing sports.

Fam: Dad - emberassing, red hair, loud. Mom - red hair, quiet, nice. Sister- 19 - nice, quiet. Sister - 13 - cute, fun. Sister - 9 - annoying, talkitive, loud.

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