Chapter 1

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You remember the first time we saw each other? I actually don't remember who saw who first, but I remember the first time I saw you..

"We really have to go on a pub?" Anne complained which surprised me, cause she normally never say no to a drink. 

"Anne this is maybe the only time we're in Ireland, and I have to try an Irish pub" damn I'm right, I thought to myself with a confidence voice, I love my inner voice, it always agree with me. No wait it don't... Forget I ever thought that. What are you doing? You're having an discussion with you, in you're head, you are the only one that can lose. Shut up me. Stop it!! I hate when I do that. You're doing it again.. Damn it!!! 

"And its irish" Kamilla said, sounding like it was a good argument. 

"Fine you just wait at the hotel, while me and Kamilla go in" I said to Anne, took Kamilla's arm and walked towards the door. 

"Al right I go with you" She said and ran to us. 

"Hi" I said with a big I-told-you-so smile, just to tease her. 

We got in, even though we only are 15 and 16 years old. 

"Damn there's a lot of people" Anne said with open mouth as we got in. 

"Close your mouth sweety" Kamilla said, like it was normal, and as the only one noticing. 

"Let's go get a drink" I said and walked toward something that looked like a bar. 

There was a lot of people in different ages, but I think we were the youngest. There was live music, with guitar and a beautiful voice. 

"3 beers" Kamilla ordered, she has the biggest chance to get something, because of her big boobs. 

"I rather want a drink" Anne complained, she get so drunk by beer. 

"No!" Kamilla protested, we both looked surprised at her "you HAVE to taste Irish beer" she continued, putting extra pressure on 'have'. 

"What's so special about Irish beer?" I asked, Kamilla made big eyes of me, as if it were obvious. She shock her head of me and took a sip of her beer, she didn't even bother answering. 

"Just taste" she said, I looked weird at her, that girl drink everything, you never know how strong it is. 

"Why not" I said and drank some, it actually taste good, and I normally don't like beer. 

"Damn that's good" I looked at Anne she didn't look convinced. 

"Just taste it, if you don't like it I drink it, and you can get a drink"  

"Hey!!" Kamilla protested, she wanted the beer if Anne didn't. But i can take more than her, even though she's more use to drinking. 

"You know I can take more than you" I smiled cheeky and blinked at her, she rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me. While we teased each other, Anne already drank half of the beer, and it was a big glass. 

"You go girl" Kamilla said, flicked and drank some of her beer too. 

"Let's go find out who's playing and singing" I said an looked in the direction of the music. 

"Why?" Anne asked while dancing, or moving her arms. 

"Cause it sounds good" 

"Yeah come!!!" Kamilla yelled and dragged us towards the stage. 

We stood in the middle of a crowd, they moved at bit from site to site while looking at the singer, or they talked to people. We stood looking at the singer, he was playing the guitar. He was handsome, blond hair it looked like it normally was brown but he looked good blond. His body looked normal, but still strong. Everyone started clapping, he'd finished his song. 

"Thank you everyone ill go get a drink then ill be right back" he said in English, it sounded funny cause it was with an Irish accent, I think. 

"Go talk to him" Kamilla said and pushed me a little in the site. 

"Yeah go get him" Anne encouraged, she sounded kind a drunk already. 

"Why me?" 

"Cause you're single, and you stared at him the longest" 

"You're also single and you stared at him too" I tried to defend myself and looked at Kamilla. 

"Not as muck as you, did you even hear we talked to you?" She asked, i actually haven't. 

"No you haven't" they could easily be messing with me. 

"Yes we did" maybe it was true. 

"Just go talk to him" Anne said and pushed me in his direction. 

"Al right I go, but it's your fault if he brakes my heart"  

"Of course, just go" I hate be the first talking to a guy, I'm always an asshole the first time people meet me. I walked towards the blond guy, he stood at a tall table, without chairs, and was drinking a beer. 

"Hi" I said as I reached him. 

"Hi" he said surprised, and turned around so that he was looking at me. 

"Ehm.." I hesitated and looked down, I'm not use to be talking with guys, and I have no idea what to say. "It was really good" I said and pointed gently at the stage, and looked at him again, his eyes was really blue, but not too blue, beautiful blue. Shut up with the blue. 

"Thanks" he said and smiled, his teeth wasn't straight, but it didn't look bad, he blushed a bit, he looks so cute. "You're not from Ireland are you?" He asked and looked into my eyes. I blushed. 

"No" I smiled and laid my coppery/bronze hair on my shoulder trying to make my face look less red. 

"So where are you from?" It was cute he tried to keep the conversation going. 

"Me and my friends" I turned around and pointed in Kamilla's and Anne's direction, they both looked at us. Embarrassing. "Are from Denmark" I continued as I turned around, he still looked at em, smiling. He giggled. 

"Right below Sweden right?" 

"Yeah, we're the country with all the potatoes" great, idiot. Make Denmark Photato-land. Does they even have potatoes other places? Don't think about that now stupid!! 

"Cool" he said and giggled, and looked down. Awww he's so cutie. "Ehm I'm gonna play another song" he hesitated, blushed and looked down again. Could he be cuter? "Will you stay and watch, or I mean listen, you know ehm.." 

"Sure" I quick answered before he could regret it. He looked up with a bigger smile. 


The first time I saw you... Damn that's along time ago, we met in a kind a awkward way, but hey we were both shy right? ;) Promise me you'll try experience it again with another girl...promise me?

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