Chapter Seven - Blood and Breakfast

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Hi! Self-harm warning.


When Astoria got back to the dorm she found that Blaise and Daphne had both been waiting for her wanting an answer. Of course, Astoria had hoped Daphne wouldn't be there when she told Blaise her answer knowing Daphne would either tell Blaise, Astoria's condition or yell at her later. Astoria wanted to tell Daphne after it was too late for her to do anything and explain it to her older sister. That was no longer an option.

Astoria wasn't quite as brave as she'd like to be and started to second guess her decision. But she managed to gather up all her courage and accept Blaise's offer. When she said she'd join Blaise was ecstatic and could've exploded from joy. Daphne on the other hand, wasn't all that pleased and seriously contemplated telling Blaise about the blood curse. She decided against it knowing Astoria would never forgive her.

"Can I have a word?" Daphne asked as more of a statement, "Alone."

Blaise left and headed to the eighth year dorm.

"What are you thinking!?"

"I'm thinking that it's my life," Astoria explained. "I won't let a stupid blood curse control me. If I die that's on me, but it's gonna happen no matter what you do so just except it."

"But I don't think I can handle losing you."

"Daph, I will always be with you. Even when I'm gone."

"Ast - I don't think this is a good idea but if it's what you want then I'll support you."

"Thank you. It's getting late, I'm off to bed."

"Good night."


Daphne left unsure as to whether it was a good idea for Astoria to join the quidditch team, but she'd have to put herself in Astoria's shoes to understand. She thought about how her sister must be feeling. Astoria was living only to die, and that was something that Daphne never understood fully. Just imagine knowing exactly how you'll die. The painful nightmares, a life written by doctors and stupid rules dictating what you can do. Daphne finally understood that Astoria must be feeling helpless.

Why couldn't it've been me?


Astoria woke up in the middle of the night in complete agony, screaming in pain and soaked in a cold sweat. She wasn't going to walk to the hospital wing because it hurt to move in general. When the pain eventually passed she got up and went into the bathroom. It didn't help when she saw how bad the damage was. Madam Pomfrey's potion stopped working and now she was back to the dreaded feeling of hopelessness.

She looked to her left and found a razor. She hated her curse and felt hopeless, her death was nearing and it was all too real for her compared to how it felt to other people. The razor she found did in fact belong to her and she thought of the possibilities. Hurting herself wouldn't do much unless the curse only wanted her to hurt a certain amount. She didn't know how the curse worked but she was curious and out of ideas.

She carved into the flesh on her wrist and watched as the crimson liquid known as blood seeped through the cut. She felt relaxed and calm for once, it was strange to know that something as simple as using a razor on herself would do such a thing. She also didn't mind the sensation of a blade piercing through her skin. She thought something must've been wrong with her but she had to know if it would lessen the pain.

When she went back to sleep she found it did. The pain she experienced during the wretched dream wasn't as bad after she cut herself. She knew it wouldn't be that way forever, but she hoped it would last longer then Madam Pomfrey's potion. (I don't know how the blood curse actually works but I wanted to give her something that lessened the pain.) Astoria knew Daphne would never approve of how she handled the blood curse, but she hated the pain it caused.

For that night at least, Astoria could be calm and didn't have to worry about the agonising nightmare she constantly faced. She had found a way to lessen the pain, and she somehow felt more at ease after the experience. She liked the calm it gave her, but she knew it would hit her like a bus when it stopped working. But she was fine with that, for now, she could relax a little.


Ginny was caught in a conundrum. She could tell Harry who Slytherins new seeker was, or keep it to herself and not get involved. Of course, Harry would be very angry when he found out she knew, but telling him would result in putting more pressure on her new found friend. And she had kissed the girl on her cheek! Life was getting confusing for the Gryffindor.

She decided not to tell Harry until she knew whether or not Astoria was on the team or if she was confident enough to not care. So, she decided to talk to the Slytherin before Breakfast knowing it would take her longer to get there from the dungeon. So, she waited outside the door for her brunette friend and when she eventually showed up she seemed more awake than usual.

"Someone's in a good mood?" Ginny asked.

"I'm the new Slytherin seeker," Astoria admitted. "I'm too confident but I hope I can be an asset to the team."

"Nice. I hope you do well. Unless you're against Gryffindor."

"And I hope you do well. Unless you're against Slytherin."

The two girls chuckled and only stopped once they were inside the Great Hall. The Gryffindors looked at the two strangely and when Ginny saw this she decided she didn't want to deal with their questions and sat with the Slytherins. A few of them looked stunned but tried to cover it up not wanting to be rude. Ginny had met all the Slytherins around her and so she didn't need an introduction.

"Well, I didn't expect this," Theodore said earning him a hit on the back of the head, "Ow!"

"Don't be rude," Pansy scolded. "Sorry about him. He's a bit socially awkward."

"I don't mind," Ginny said.

"What brings you to our neck of the woods?" Blaise asked politely.

"I just don't want to deal with the Gryffindors."

"Fair enough," Daphne said smirking at her younger sister. "What your relationship with my sister?"

Astoria almost spat out her pumpkin juice.

"We're friends?"

"Alright," Draco said not really buying it.

"Am I missing something?" Goyle asked, "Why are you all grinning?"

Millicent raised an eyebrow to the clueless boy and he caught on.

"Do you think they like each other?"

Astoria actually spat out her juice at that and Ginny nearly choked on her food while the rest of the Slytherins either rolled their eyes, face palmed or sighed.

"Um, no," Astoria said.

"Ast it's okay to like girls," Pansy joked.

"But I don't."

"You're about as straight as a circle Ast," Theodore chimed in. "Sorry, we had to tell you at some point."

"How did you not notice?" Blaise asked.

"I thought it was pretty obvious," Daphne teased.

"Well, I don't know about Astoria," Ginny finally spoke up, "but I think I'm straight. I haven't liked a girl yet and I don't think I will."

"See," Astoria replied a bit too quickly.

When Breakfast was over everyone went out seeing as it wasn't a school day. Blaise asked if he could see Astoria on a broom just to make sure she would be able to help the team. She obliged and they found that she was actually a pretty good seeker and had a good eye. It hurt a little to play sport, so Astoria knew what she would have to do before games, but she didn't mind. she was finally going to play quidditch and live her life how she wanted and that was worth anything.


Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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