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"Agent Rossi!" Cassandra lightly chuckles as she reaches for David Rossi's handshake that he held out for her already

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"Agent Rossi!" Cassandra lightly chuckles as she reaches for David Rossi's handshake that he held out for her already.

"Dr. Bentley! It's nice to see you again. Hotch wanted me to let you know that he was sorry he couldn't make it to meet with you first but, hey, a familiar face is always nice on the first day! I'm sure you heard about what happened not too long ago" Rossi explains to her comically and she chuckles.

"Please, call me Cassie. And, yes, I've been briefed. I'm so sorry about what happened. I remember my unit being on standby after hearing about the explosion. They put all officers on duty so it was an anxious night of waiting for what was going to happen next" she recalls what happens from her point of view.

"That night was, indeed, a hefty one but I thank the heavens that no one was too badly hurt. Well, with the exception of..."

"SSA Joyner" Cassie nods, looking down as to mourn the loss of a fellow agent, "of course. How's Agent Hotchner? I'm assuming that's why he's not here at the moment" she realizes as they begin to walk out of Rossi's office side by side.

"He's doing good, I think" Rossi chuckles humorlessly, "that man doesn't like to admit when there's something wrong with him. And, please, call him Hotch. Hotchner's a mouthful"

Cassie chuckles as they continued walking slowly towards the bullpen where everyone waited for them before Rossi stops them both.

"Before we head in and introduce you to the team, I just wanted to lay some things on ya" he says, shoving his hands into his pockets and Cassie's heart quickens as she becomes anxious.

"We want to be sure to call you Doctor, at least while on the field. Since you are younger, people tend to place a lower standard for you. We have another doctor here around your age and he wasn't really taken seriously until we realized that introducing him as a doctor gained him more respect"

"I understand" I slightly chuckled, "I figured much so. When I worked for the state, I was introduced as detective and mostly looked over by literally everyone so, understood" she playfully salutes him and he smiles before opening the door.

Well, here we go.

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