chapter thirty-three

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chapter thirty-three: perfect

Cassie, JJ, and Emily walk out of a coffee shop, JJ bugging Emily about the British agent from the San Francisco BAU that the team had worked with not too long ago

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Cassie, JJ, and Emily walk out of a coffee shop, JJ bugging Emily about the British agent from the San Francisco BAU that the team had worked with not too long ago.

Mick Rawson continuously flirted with Emily throughout the case and JJ couldn't seem to let it go.

"Come on, Emily. You should call him!" JJ pesters the woman.

"Mmm, maybe" Emily says to bug JJ and Cassie laughs as it works.


"Mark Rawson is an arrogant, oversexed, egotistical-"

"Hot British dude with a sexy accent, badge and gun" JJ lists.

"Sounds like you want him, JJ" Cassie jokes and JJ playfully rolls her eyes.

"It wouldn't go anywhere" Emily shrugs and JJ groans.

"You don't know that"

"I know our work schedules" Emily fires back.

"Okay, you know what? Will and I make it work" JJ points out.

"Well, if we're talking about realistic scenarios let's talk about Cassie" Emily looks past JJ to look at Cassie who peacefully sipped her coffee.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act oblivious. You and boy genius?" Emily smirks.

"Again, what do you mean?"

"Oh, come on. You guys are, like, perfect for each other" JJ laughs.

"And your work schedules are perfect for each other" Emily adds, giving JJ a look, JJ just rolling her eyes at Emily.

"Yeah but our work isn't perfect for each other" Cassie laughs nervously, taking a sip of her coffee.

"You do know that there isn't any rule against fraternization" JJ tells her.

"You're telling the girl who has read every rule in the book" Cassie chuckles.

"Exactly! So what's stopping you?" JJ asks.

"Oh, no" Cassie says, glad to see Penelope with a handful of bags to change the subject.

Cassie's outburst leads the other two to look in the direction she was looking in only to see Penelope wobbling over to them, arms full of bags.

"I know, I know. Don't say it" Penelope sighs, "but when you see what's in here... and it's not my fault. They were calling to me, I swear. And they were all on sale. And when you think about it, that means that I am helping the economy, which is more than I can say for you guys, 'cause no one else has bags"

"Please tell me all of those aren't for my son" JJ begs as Emily and Cassie continued to quietly laugh.

"They're not" Penelope assures her.

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