chapter three

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chapter three: they're cultists, ryan

It was a few weeks later, everyone in the office but nothing going on

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It was a few weeks later, everyone in the office but nothing going on.

Spencer and Cassie, being the quick geniuses that they are, finished their paperwork earlier than everyone else and decided on playing a game of chess at Spencer's desk where she sat at the edge of it.

"Reid. Prentiss. Meet me in the round table room" Hotch calls for the two of the agents from his office before heading into the room himself.

Spencer looks at Cassie with a face that said 'sorry' at the fact they had to end their game short and she laughs.

"It's fine. I was going to win right now anyway" she tells him before moving her piece then looking back at him.

"Checkmate" is all she says before getting off from his desk and Morgan lifts his hand up without looking away from his report, initiating a high five from Cassie before she sat down at her desk.

It had been a thing in the office for the past couple of weeks that Cassie has been there where everyone listened in on her and Reid's games of chess to see who wins.

Morgan was always more than happy when Cassie beat Reid, which made Reid glare at the man. Nothing changed today.

Emily and Spencer made their way up to where Hotch was, only staying in there for no more than ten minutes before walking out and down the stairs to their desks.

Cassie looks up from her computer to see Spencer packing his things across from her.

"You guys going somewhere?" She asks him and he quickly glances at her before nodding.

"La Plata County in Colorado. There's a religious group called the Septarian Sect"

"Is it one of those groups that disassociate themselves with the state as an independent group?" she asks, sitting up in her chair.

"Yeah, there was a little girl who called the police from there. Said there was a man having relationships with young girls. Children. Prentiss and I are meeting someone there to check it out"

"As agents?" She asks in surprise, knowing that groups like the Septarian Sect did not oblige well with the feds.

"No, undercover," Reid says, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Oooh, undercover," she laughs lightly and he walks towards her desk, leaning against the side of it and shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Is it a day trip or...?" She asks.

"We should only be there for a few hours. We're just interviewing the children there" he shrugs and she nods before looking at Emily who was heading towards them.

"Ready to go, Reid?" Emily asks and he nods, stepping away from the desk and taking his hand out from his pocket to slightly wave at her before leaving with Emily.

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