Everyone was at Star labs trying to figure out how to stop Axel Walker. He was terrorizing the city with his new invention. Ralph and Barry decided to confront him as the flash and Elongated man.
Axel, your days of pranks are over. Barry said, when they arrived at the location. Flash? You're just in time to test out my latest invention. I give you.... The woof inator! Axel pulled out a medium sized blue and green metal gun. He pointed it at Barry, then blasted it at him. Bullseye! Axel yelled, after hitting Barry.
Barry and Ralph returned to Star labs except, Barry wasn't himself. Guys, what happened to me? Why do I feel shorter? And why is my vision strange? Barry asked while the team gave him weird and shocking looks.
Uh Barry, I think Axel turned you into a dog. Caitlin showed him his reflection as she held up a mirror. Well do you guys know how to turn me back? Barry asked worriedly. Everyone kept quiet. Don't worry we'll figure it out. Caitlin broke the silence. Ooh, can we keep him? Please please can we keep him? Ralph begged.
No, the only person who's keeping him, is Iris. Just until we figure out how to turn Barry back. Cisco said.
Barry and Iris returned to the loft later that day. They both sat on the couch as Barry rested his snout on Iris's lap. Iris it's okay, I know you guys will figure something out. Barry panted, as he stuck his tongue out. You know, you're not so bad as a dog. You're actually really cute. You're cute when you're human too but... Iris sighed. I just want my Barry back. Don't worry, you'll get me back. And whether or not I'm a dog or human, I'll always love you. Barry got up and licked Iris on her face.
While Barry licked her face, Iris's phone rang. After talking to Caitlin, they went back to Star labs where Cisco told them the plan on how to turn Barry back. Hey Trickster, why don't you turn me into a dog? Ralph asked, while confronting him. If you insist. Axel hit him with the gun, but instead of hitting him, Ralph used his stretching powers to jump out of the way, as Barry leaped into the blast. He got hit and turned back into a human. Ralph and Barry looked at each other before stopping and defeating Axel.
Thank you everyone, for turning Barry back. Iris smiled at the team. Yeah thanks. It's good to be back. Barry gave Iris a kiss.
WestAllen short stories #2
FanfictionJust a bunch of short stories about Barry and Iris