A Kiss in the Dark

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The more I thought about it, I became satisfied with my actions. I did what needed to be done. Whether it was the right choices or not, didn't bother me. I turned off my phone, beginning to recognize where I was. I tensed up when I pulled into Marley's neighborhood. 

I turned off my lights as I spotted the driveway. I could hear my heartbeat in my head after I stepped out into the moonlight. It was quiet except for a couple of crickets and frogs. The exquisite smell of a campfire soothed my nerves. I stepped onto the porch, cautious of how much noise I made. My knuckles hit the door gently three times. I stared at my feet, but my attention was quickly drawn to the rattle of the door handle. The door opened. The warmth of the house brushed past my cheeks, cold from the fall breeze. The soft yellow glow, falling around the heavy shadow of a man.

The man I knew.

The man I loved.

The man I owe so much too.

"Hey Dean," I said shyly, feeling the tears build up around my eyes. I looked down and locked my hands together, my tears falling as silent as a feather on snow on to them. 

"Whose there?" A familiar voice came from what I knew was the living room. It was Connor, one of Marley's brothers. Her other one was in Colorado for work. I never saw him, even before I left.

"I.....um....wow. It's you. You're...here. Home." Dean stuttered through his words. I heard two pairs of footsteps come towards us. I looked up to meet welcoming eyes with Sam and Connor, who were in awe over seeing me again. 

They tried shoving past him, but Dean pushed through them and pulled me into his chest, making me sob uncontrollably. He pulled me inside and Connor shut the door, making his way over to me. The others joined in and wrapped their arms around my shoulders and my waist.

"I'm sorry I left." I heaved and grabbed fist fulls of Dean's shirt, which had now become dark grey where my tears were. "I wish I never left, but I just wanted to forget everything and find her before it was too late, and now I've hurt you guys and you probably hate me, and-" I was cut off by Dean's low voice.

"Never apologize again." 

At his words, my tears stopped. My heart was full and ready to burst. 

I pulled away from him and gave them each individual hugs. I told them how much I missed them and that I loved them. 

"Where's Cas and Marley?" I wiped my tears and sat down at the kitchen island. The boys stood around the marble counter and gave each other glances.

"They are on vacation. They'll be back eventually." Sam rubbed his arm and looked at Connor.

"Well we haven't eaten yet, and we were thinking about ordering pizza?" Connor pulled out his phone before he heard my answer. As if he needed to though. I nodded.

"I'm gonna go grab my stuff." I tapped my hands on the counter and walked over the door.

"I'll help." Dean followed.

We stepped into the darkness and over to my car. I opened my trunk and instinctive my grabbed my Baretta and put in in my waistband. The false bottom fell back over my stash as I closed my trunk. After grabbing a few other odds and ends I locked m car and began walking back to the house when Dean stopped me.

"I missed you." He grabbed my arm and spun me to face him.

"I missed you too." I smiled and looked at him in the faint glow of the October moonlight. 

He let go of me and we walked inside, I put my gun on the small table by the door, and took my shoes off.

"Can I have my room back?" I asked Connor.

"Well the guys kinda took it over, but I don't care. It's up to them."

Dean and Sam both agreed that it was fine. I walked upstairs, taken back by the familiar smell of the house. I stepped into the room I had claimed so long ago to be mine. It was fairly tidy with some of the boys' clothes here and there. I threw my stuff in a corner and laid down on the bed with a sigh. My legs purposely hanging off of the end. The room was almost completely black if it wasn't for the downstairs lights being on. I felt someone enter the room. I opened my eyes and looked up. Of course. It was Dean. 

He flopped down next to me, making me giggle.

"Did you mean it?" I turned to look at him.

"Mean what?" 


"You mean when I kissed you?" He sat up and looked straight ahead. "Yeah, I did. Why?"

When he didn't answer I stood up and walked in front of him, hoping to get an answer. Instead, he reached up and put a warm hand behind my head and kissed me like the night I left. He looked at me like I was all he wanted.

"Sorry did you say something?" He chuckled and pulled me to him until we were called downstairs for dinner.

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