Chapter Two

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Cleaning up New York City after an alien battle was a lot harder and tiring than Steve had originally anticipated, and not just physically. Every time he stepped outside, crowds of people would swarm around him, demanding answers to the how’s and why’s of the disaster. Every night, Steve would trudge back to the Tower, completely drained and worn down. 

Of course, it was nice that Clint was helping now; Steve didn’t feel so alone. After particularly bad days, full of angry people who had lost loved ones, they’d go up to Clint’s floor and clean out his liquor cabinet (which was always mysteriously restocked). Most of the alcohol was harmless to Steve, except for the special booze Tony invented. It was fun, getting drunk and forgetting the depressing work that ruled most of their lives. 

Every day was the same, until late June, when clean up was just about finished. It was evening, still warm out, but not uncomfortably hot. Steve and Clint were walking back to the Tower, when Steve saw it; a small bundle laying in front of the Avenger’s Tower. From the distance Steve was at, he couldn’t see what was in the bundle. Clint and Steve exchanged a look and approached slowly.

“Could be a bomb...” Clint muttered, slowly drawing his bow. 

“Tony,” Steve called into his comm (Tony made them wear one every time they left the Tower).

“What’s up Cap?”

“What’s your location?”

“Malibu, remember? Pepper and I are vacationing.” 

“Clint and I are on our way back to the Tower and we’ve just spotted something. Can you get JARVIS to do a scan?”

“Sure, hang on a sec.” Tony’s voice was a little muffled; Steve could hear the ocean in the background. “Okay…um, we’ve got a problem.” In less than a minute Tony was back and he didn’t sound happy. 

“What is it?” Steve asked, quickly stepping behind a building and motioning Clint to follow.

“It’s a, it’s um, it’s-“

“Tony, not the time for panic. What is it?” Steve asked, his heartbeat beginning to race. It must be something bad.

“It’s a, uh, baby.” 

“It’s a what?” Steve asked, dropping his shield in shock. The resulting clang made him and Clint jump. 

“It’s a baby, Steve.” Tony said, more clearly, “And not just a baby-a baby with an off-the-charts energy reading.” At this puzzling new information, Steve peered around the corner of the building to stare at the little bundle of what he now realized were blankets. Slowly, Steve approached the baby, ignoring Tony’s protests in his ear. 

“Hey…” He said softly; the baby was awake, its bright blue eyes staring up at him with curiosity. It seemed harmless; just a baby wrapped up. Steve picked the baby up gently (and a bit awkwardly). The baby cooed softly, and Steve couldn’t help it; he smiled. They stared at each other for a second, and to Steve’s surprise, he felt a sudden connection with this little bundle in his arms. 

“Hang on- there’s a note.” Clint said, peering over Steve’s shoulder. He reached around Steve and pulled a letter out of the folds of the blanket. 

“Open it.” Steve said, still not taking his eyes off of the baby. Clint opened the letter and unfolded it. 


I know this is wrong, but I have no choice. You are the best chance for my baby to survive without being experimented on or killed. You won’t be able to find me, because as soon as I know you’ve found her, I’m going to kill myself. It’s for her good, and yours. Help her; you’re all she has left. 

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