21 ➵ Welcome To This Thing

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(A/N: Remember when this GIF happened? Good times)

Welcome To This Thing (Friday)


"Hello everyone," I said and waved excited at the camera.

"I'm very glad that you clicked on this video with the weird title. Seriously, I tried to came up with a good title for hours but nothing came to my mind. So yeah, welcome to this thing."

I laughed awkwardly.

"My name is Michael Clifford and I decided to start a YouTube channel. I still don't know exactly why, maybe because I was bored? Isn't that why 90% of this community started a YouTube channel, though? I honestly don't know, I'm sorry."

"I feel like I should tell you some stuff about me, to get to know each other. You know? So when you're talking to your parents about me and they'll be like 'No! No strangers!' you can be like 'Excuse me, this boy ain't a stranger. I know what his favorite food is so we're basically best friends'."

"I'm sorry, I got carried away. Anyway, back to me. Like I've already said, I'm Michael and I'm nineteen. I currently live in Los Angeles. I work in a pretty cool comic store and I don't do much in my free time, I mostly play stuff on the XBox or sleep. Most of the time you'll find me on the couch watching YouTube videos."

Then there was a small video part of me playing with Kitten since she sat down on my lap at that moment. Calum told me to not cut it out because he thought it was cute. 

"I don't like talking about me and not because I hate myself, it's just that I'm boring as fuck and not entertaining at all. I'll just talk about my friends instead."

"My best friends name is Luke and he's just as boring as I am. I just realized that talking about my friends will be as exciting as talking about myself," I chuckled, "God, I need to stop."

"Maybe I should just tell you what I'll be doing on this channel. Since I have no big talent, nor am I funny or other shit and because I like to complain and tell my opinions to other people, I'll be uploading rant videos every Friday."

"If you like this idea and want to see more of me, I'd be very happy if you would click the subscribe button. I guess that was it for now but I'll see you again next week. Now how do I end this? Should I just say bye? Yeah, yeah I'm gonna do that," I laughed at myself.

"Bye guys."

✧ ✧

@skittleshood: so i kinda tried to start a thing called youtube

I attached the link to my new channel to it and then tweeted it out to my followers. 

I got a few retweets here and there and smiled to myself. It was really cool that people were interested in me. 

"I just saw that you uploaded the video," Calum said smiling and sat down next to me on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm kind of scared, though. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea. I should delete everything. God Calum, why didn't you stop me?"

He chuckled, "Calm down kitten, there's nothing to be worried about."

I just nodded while nervously biting my lip and leaned my head on Calum's shoulder.

"I really want to cuddle right now."

"Then what are you waiting for? Just lay down so I can be on top of you. I really like when we cuddle like that."

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