27 ➵ Tin Can Challenge

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Tin Can Challenge


"Hi guys, today I'm here with my boyfriend," Calum said.

"Again," I chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. You belong here."

I looked at him in awe and he leaned in for a kiss, but then

"Uh, excuse me? What about us?" Matt said in his sassy like voice.

"Like, we're also here," Nick joined him.

Calum groaned, "Yeah, we also have these two cockblocks here."

I chuckled and introduced them.

"These guys are Nick and Matt, if you didn't know. A lot of you requested a video with them and here you go."

"Before we start please ignore my black eye. I tried to cover it up with make up but it didn't work. Just wanted to say that you don't have to worry about anything, I'm fine," Calum said smiling and I kissed his cheek.

"Now on to the challenge. We're going to do the Tin Can Challenge. Here we have ten cans of lovely food," Nick started explaining.

"But guys, do you know how hard it was to buy those? Matt is vegan so we had to be very careful with what we were buying and couldn't get the really gross stuff," Calum interrupted him.

"Yeah, really wasn't that easy," I agreed.

"Anyway, there's still some gross stuff in those cans," Nick continued, "And here we have our bowl with pieces of paper in it. We wrote numbers on the cans and then on those paper pieces and everyone has to pick one and then eat what's in the can."

"Thank you for explaining. Now, who wants to go first?" Calum asked and grinned at the camera.

✧ ✧

"You look kind of really hot with a black eye," I whispered as Calum and I were cuddling on the couch, watching Orange Is The New Black, and I started to leave small kisses on his neck.

"I hope this is going to turn into making out and then to sex."

"Remember when you couldn't even admit that you were gay and now look at you. You've come so far, always needy for my dick. I'm so proud," I said and wiped away an invisible tear.

He hit me on the shoulder and chuckled, "Oh god, I hate you."

"Not even a minute ago you wanted to have sex with me."

"I've changed my mind," Calum said and went back to watching until his phone rang.

"Hello? [...] Oh, really? That's amazing. [...] When? [...] Yeah, okay. We'll be there in half an hour, Thank you so much."

"Who was that?" I asked. 

"The police station. They got our laptops and my camera, we can pick it up as soon as we want," he answered and got up, already putting on shoes.

"Can you go alone? I'm already in my pajamas."

"Already? You got out of bed today and didn't even change into something different, just keep them on and get your ass up. I want my camera back."

"I'm not going to the police station in pajamas."

Then Calum threw my shoes at me and told me to put them on but I still said no and he started to get mad.

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