049 : hashtag olidaya

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( 049 )

ZENDAYA COULDN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME SHE HAD EVER FELT SO RELIEVED WHEN SHE SAW HER BOYFRIEND WITH HIS EYES OPEN. She remembers rushing to him, holding him gently and constantly caressing his matted hair, whispering devotions of love in his ear and kissing his temple in a bid to never let him go. Oliver responded likewise too, his tears the only response he could give, throat hoarse so he barely spoke, but the aching smile he gave her told Zendaya a world of words.

That's all they did for the next seven hours until she was pried off of Oliver because visitor hours had been taken up and she was forced to go to the hotel across the road from the hospital with Tom, who equally found it hard to leave the twins and Scarlett behind after the traumatising day the six of them had suffered. Oliver fell in and out of sleep with aid from his painkillers, but always in her arms, so when she did finally leave at dusk, he found himself wide awake for the first time since he even remembers crashing the car, which was still a hazy moment for the rest of his time.

He doesn't remember even going to sleep again, but when Oliver woke up, the sun was peeking its way through the blinds of his room, and once more his girlfriend was sat on the armchair to his left, clutching his hand while she read a book. He sat up and squinted, trying to get his eyes to focus on the title of the novel that had caught Zendaya's attention, but sighs defeatedly when he was unable to, snapping Zendaya's head away from the book pages and concerning herself on Oliver.

He wipes away the frustration in his face almost immidiately, quick to replace it with a tired lopsided smile, reaching Zendaya's hand up with his own, kissing her knuckles sweetly. "I got my own room? I really have made it." He chuckles lightheartedly, trying his best to make sure the subject with his usual demeanour of jokes and sarcasm, though it wasn't quite the same.

Luckily Zendaya took no notice of the lack of execution in his joke, her teeth poking through her smile, nodding enthusiastically. "Yep, this has been the ultimate test of your fame, and I'm here to say you passed, and won a prize."

"Oh? And what would that prize be?" Oliver joins in, his eyebrow perked up in curiosity.

"Me, of course!" Zendaya giggles, and Oliver couldn't help but break out into a wide smile, the scorched searing pain in his head subsided when he wasn't thinking about it.

There was a comfortable silence for the next few minutes, the two just enjoying their own company like they had learned to do since the accident just a mere 22 hours ago. But after the few minutes, the silence had settled Oliver's mind. "I was facetiming Scarlett last night..." He began, tracing circles on Zendaya's bare arm that her t-shirt didn't cover, recalling the first conversation with his best friend since they both almost died.

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