A Good Talking To

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With all that just happened Steven knew he needed the help, he wasn't going to stay he didn't but.. It was tempting him he didn't know why but he knew he wanted to give it a try. He just tried to get the thought out of his head and went to grab some food.

He went over to Lars' shop needed something sweet to take the bitter taste out of his mouth. He walked in to see Lars talking to someone behind the counter, a tall green gem. He just shrugged it off and walked over to them.
"Hey Lars!" He yelled enough to grab his attention. The pink man turned to see his friend there.
"Oh hey Steven! Man.. You looked stressed today" He said with a small worried tone. Steven just sighed a little not wanting to answer it.
"Hey is it about what you did to Ronaldo yesterday??" Lars asked as the gem from behind him moved away a bit.
"Does everyone know about that???" He yelled feeling ghe pressure returning to him. He didn't need this especially not the people of Beach City knowing.
"He posted it all over his blog and then came in here talking all about it.." Lars sighed a bit seeing how stressed the teen was getting from it.
"If you ask me it was the creepy human's fault anyway! Well from what the off colours told us anyway!" The gem finally spoke. Steven looked at her ans slowly started to remeber just who she was.
"E-Emerald??" Steven stuttered, shocked that the gem that once tried to kill Lars and the off colours was now in his cake shop helping him.
"Yes it is I, Emerald! Don't be so shocked Steven. I came to be with Lars on Earth!" She stated. Steven just pointed at Lars then at her with a shocked expression.
"We got pretty close while she was trying to kill us. Think of it like the handsome space pirate that whooed the sexy villainess!" Lars said sounding proud of it.
"So now I live here on Earth with him since the armies were disbanded!" Emerald huffed a little as she spoke.
"Anyway.. Steven.. You know how Ronaldo gets.. just ignore him.." Lars said trying to help the situation but feeling he would just make it worse.
"I am fine! Okay! It's just.. He will make me look bad! I don't need that!" Steven groans not wanting to speak about the real issues. "Just give me the usual please.."
Lars sent Emerald to start to pack it up for him as he watched how upset Steven was getting.
"Steven I can tell something is up with you.. If you need help.." He was interrupted.
"I'm fine I said!!" Steven yelled as the pink glow started to returned which caused Lars to back away remebering how Ronaldo had described how Steven was in the attack. Steven realised and freaked out a bit. Lars was right he needed the help. He calmed turning back to normal as he looked down.
"I'm sorry.." He said knowing how close he could have been to hurting his friend.
"Steven.. it's okay.. I shouldn't have pushed you..." Lars said as he gave Steven the cake and took the money from him. The teen just left without saying anything.

He just headed back to the Beach house to eat. Knowing Peridot wouls be awake by know and wondering where he went to. He started to think more about it, what Phantom had said to him, his reaction with Lars. Maybe he does need it. But like everything else he just pushed it to the back of his mind as he walked in greeted by Peridot on her tablet on his couch, still in his light blue shirt.
She looked over to him not seeming too surprised by it.
"Oh hey Steven you're back." She said staying where she was. Steven went over to her putting the food down on the coffee table and sitting down next to her.
"Hey... Sorry about leaving without waking you.." He said as he kissed her on the cheek. She blushed a little at that and went back to her tablet.
"Oh.. No don't worry.. I thought you went out for fresh air anyway." She said still looking at the tablet. Steven sighed a little still knowing there is no sign of the other gems.
"I haven't seen the others... have you?"He asked the smaller gem. She finally looked at him again.
"They were checking out the damage at Lil Homeworld. Well that is what Lapis told me anyway." She answered, staying quiet herself. Steven was confused usually she would help with that stuff but not this time. He just cuddled her softly feeling he needed it.
"Peridot.." He said, his face buried in her hair.
"You okay?" She was a bit worried by the way he was asking. Steven knew he should tell her, about him turning Pink and nealy hurting Lars but he couldn't. He just stayed there being quiet about everything.
"I think.. There is something I need to do..." He sighed as he let her go. He didn't want to take this offer but if it was the help he needed. It was his only chance. He got back up and started to head out again. "I'll be back dear.. make sure Amethyst doesn't eat my cake while I'm gone!" He said as he walked out the door.
She just waved at him as she was back to focusing on the tablet.

He needed to find him again. He needed Phantom's help. Finally he found a strange door he never seen before. He took a deep breath as he opened it, walking inside into a a red dull room. It was like entering a old temple but more human like. He looked around till he saw the room.
Phantom was sat at a table looking as if he was waiting for him. Steven just walked in when the man signalled for him to sit down. The teen did as he said.
Phantom looked at him as he slide feather quill in ink to his side of the table.
Steven looked at it, knowing it was wrong for him to be there but knowing he needed this.
"A contract?" Steven asked the man in front of him.
"Well it's a legal thing you know part of the deal I do." He smiled at him. Steven took another deep breath.
"So you're saying if I sign this.. I could finally not worry about hurting anyone anymore?" He asked still nervous about all of this.
"Kid, If you sign. You can finally have a stress free life." He answered as he rolled out the contract.
Steven took the pen and started to sign it. Even with the strange remarked the man sais about what he wanted on it.
"Now Steven there is one rule you must follow. Never tell anyone about this. About me, about the contract. Nothing. If you break it there will be consequences!" He said with a more serious tone. Steven understood as he finished signing it.
"Now go out there. Enjoy the life you have kid!" He ordered with a smile on his face.
Steven got up feeling a strange effect over him like his anger and stress was being sucked out of him. He felt like when he was a kid again before everything that happened. He rushed out the room not even taking a second look at the man. He just wanted to get home and enjoy this new him.

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