Meggy and Tari at the Maid Cafe

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One day, Meggy and Tari visit a maid café. Even though Meggy disliked but decided to visit with Tari since she invited her so she can't refuse it. As they entered the café, they both sit down as one of the maids, Carl Wheezer, gives them menus while Meggy cringes, but resists it. While the maid came back to take their orders, Tari ordered a chocolate espresso with whipped cream and Meggy wants to order a blow torch but quickly said she want fancy noodles. As they finished their orders, they wait for a while. Meggy is losing her mind whenever maids past by as she starts to cross eye for a bit while Tari looks at her says to Meggy and said "Meggy what's wrong?" Meggy quickly changed her expression and said, "Uh Maids are cute!" Silent for a moment. Into Meggy's Mind "WHY THE ACTUAL HELL DID I SAY THAT FOR!!??" Tari looks at Meggy and says, "Oh I'm glad you think the same way". Meggy is relieved but still regretting for saying that. The maid came back and give the order to them BUT they put the magic spell "These foods were made for special love and extra yummy, ENJOY!" *Dancing, waving their hands over the food and at the end they shaped their hands as a heart* Tari was amazed while Meggy looks shocked and pale which now thinks on going to therapy for a long time. As Tari starts eating her Espresso, Meggy is just sitting there staring at her noodles which the maid put a spell on it and Meggy only thinks, "I'm not going to eat this! No way in hell! No! No! No!" Tari looks at Meggy and said "Meggy are you ok- "Meggy startled "Yes I'm ok! *chuckles* I just praying to the anime gods for this delicious meal!" Awkward silence moment, in Meggy's thoughts "I seriously lost it did I? DAMMIT!!!! AAAACK!!" Tari smiles and spoke "Oh my Meggy you seem to get the hang of it! Meggy looks at Tari and smiles too but she wanted to bring her bible. As Meggy decide to eat the noodles, her thoughts "Well I don't want to hurt Tari but screw it I can resist the cringe." As they finished their meal. Meggy's glad that she can finally leave the café but as they about to leave Tari says she forgot to bring money and Meggy says "I have money so don't you- *checking her pocket until she also doesn't have anything* w-w—worry......crap."

They both sit down feeling down, the manager came by their tables and look at them until he says "Well if you don't have anything to pay the only best option is for you guys to work for me so you can pay your tab. Tari agrees while Meggy froze like a sitting duck " Oh hell NO!!!" she thought. Tari says to Meggy, "Meggy want to help out?" Meggy looks up and says "let me think about in the bathroom? Be right back" Meggy looks at the mirror, "This is gonna be the death of me" she thought" She came back and told Tari yes. Tari replied, "Great this is going to be fun to help out!" Meggy says "Y-yeah.... fun indeed, whooo-ooo huh-oooo." As Meggy changed into her outfit costume many customers look at her and oooooooos at her which made Meggy think of blowtorching the whole cafe. As Tari came out fully dressed as a maid, Meggy turned around and sees blooming pink of hearts and glow showing how cute Tari is which made Meggy's jaw dropped and nosebleed a little. "So Meggy how do I look?" Meggy is still staring at her while saliva came out of her mouth and Tari looks at her says "Meggy are you alright?" Meggy stutters "Y-YES! You look cute as hell!" Meggy covers her mouth "DAMMMMMMMIT!!!! WHY DID I SAY THAT!!! NOW TARI IS GONNA BE VERY UPSET AND EMBARRASSED!!" Tari replied with a blush "W-W-Why thank you Meggy that is very nice of you." Meggy is relieved but she hears the whispers of the customers behind them saying something towards Tari. Which Meggy came by a table and give them scariest glare ever and says, "If you say something on my dear friend, I'll game end you." Which made them scared as hell and never talks about it again. As they start to work for a while Tari is enjoying herself while still a bit shy by talking the customers which didn't bother the customers at all they all just enjoying after Meggy glares at them in an evil eye which they are scared and be cautious. While Tari cleans the table, she doesn't even realize that her maid costume is exposing her duck panties and Meggy turns around and her eyes pop out, jaw dropped, and nosebleed. "Whooooooooo" she thought but Meggy realized the customers are staring too which she blocks Tari's view from the customers with a sign says "My prize possession" with a scary glare. As the cafe closes Meggy and Tari starts cleaning the tables while Meggy is in heaven by watching Tari's panties every time when cleaning tables. "I like this idea," she thought. As mopping the floors, Tari and Meggy bumped each other and slipped and tumbled to the floor. While Meggy lifts her head and opens her eyes she reached her limitsand passed out by seeing Tari's panties so close. "Oh my god this is the best day ever!" She thought. While Tari is rubbing her head and looks at Meggy. "Meggy are you alright!?Meggy?!" Let alone Meggy with nose bleeding and a smile and glowing sparkles around her which she is in heaven.

As they are leaving the Manager says, "Thank you for the hard work, now next time please bring money ok?" "We will!" Meggy and Tari replied. As they left "I hope they will, not to scare my customers," Manager thought. As they both walking together in the streets, Tari looks at Meggy looking all happy and such, "Meggy did you enjoy the cafe?" she asked. "Mm? Oh yes, I do, I like it so much! Thanks for inviting me!" Tari smiled and giggles. "Well that's what friends do." She said. "We can have fun to cherish our moods!" "Yeah!" Meggy replied. "We deserve fun times our lives!" Both Meggy and Tari laughing as they reach home...

The Next Day........

"Uh Meggy why you have that maid outfit?" Tari replied. Meggy has the outfit which she stole it from the cafe "Because you look cute in it and why not cosplay for a while?" Her nose starts bleeding, saliva coming out of her mouth, and opening her phone to start up camera. Tari looks and chuckles nervously, "I think she enjoyed the cafe a little too much.......hee-hee...."

The end!

Thank you for reading! This is my big story I did and I will do more in the future! I would like to give thanks to my best friend Geeky for helping me out(I really appreciated sis!) Also constructive criticism is welcome! Even though I'm still inexperience in writing so bare with me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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