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The girl's arms stayed crossed at her chest. She frowned at the person who was holding her hostage. He looked at her smugly and nodded to one of his guards. He then entered the room. He sat down across from her. He had a scar that crossed from his left eye to his chin, he had gotten in a fight with her pet. Now that she thought of it, this man looked and acted a lot like her father. They both treated women like crap, they both had the same floppy hair, and they both wanted to control her. Oh no, she wouldn't let these fools break her spirit. She often reminded herself of a wild stallion who could be free, except that she wasn't free.

The stranger caught her eye and wouldn't let her look away. His eyes were full of hatred and despise. She narrowed her eyes at him. She knew she was going to die anyway so she wasn't going to be polite to him.

"Ah. Darling, you might want to stop those evil looks or else something will happen to your hubby-wubby. We wouldn't want that now, would we?" he asked shaping his lips into a pout. Her face immediately went blank. Henry. Where was he? What had this monster done to him? These questions immediately filled her brain. As if the man could read her mind, he replied.

"Oh don't worry, I haven't done anything to him...yet." he laughed cruelly. The girl cried out in agony. No! Not her Henry. She expected her eyes to fill with tears but yet again they didn't. She had always wanted to cry, though she never could, not even at a Nicholas Sparks movie!

The man snapped his fingers and said something but she could not hear, all she could hear was the blood pounding in her ears. On the wall, the light from a projector beamed on the wall. Her Henry was lying on the floor unconscious and blood trickling from his bottom lip. Her breath caught. The projector turned off.

"Now if you want him to stay safe, you will come with me. Oh, and by the way, no more throwing tantrums." he grinned evilly. She stayed motionless as her captor's guards picked her up and carried her, following their master.

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