Chapter 1- Moving In

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2 weeks earlier...

April Rose was trying to get her new apartment organized but instead she tripped on a shoe lying on the ground and fell back on her butt. Her head ached from the fall and she got up slowly. She groaned. Her sister, Emma, was not helping. She was dancing around like a chicken and kept saying random words. Emma was fifteen and still acting like a five year old. April got up and got an icepack, just as her sister saw her massaging her head.

"What happened April?" Emma asked concerned. April rolled her eyes.

"I told you to put my shoes in that rack, I tripped on a shoe!" April's temper was rising. Emma saw that her sister was becoming hasty with her temper, again. Emma quickly got her chance and gathered her stuff.

"Well April i've got to go sight-seeing." Emma said as she headed out the door.

"Wait!" April screamed after her but Emma was already gone. April took the icepack with her and sat on the only piece of furniture in the living room, the couch. She had gotten a job as an intern at the newspaper in New York. So that meant she had to move from her small countryside piece of land in Ohio to the big bustling city of New York.

She really didn't know what she wanted to be for the rest of her life, like a permanent job, but it was better than having to live with her dad. Her dad was awful and very clueless. Her father didn't even know why she chose the job, it was to get away from him. Emma had made the drastic decision to go with April to New York, they were going to live together in the tiny apartment. Emma was going to homeschool herself on the computer. April wished she had her mother here. But then again she didn't even know her mother.

Her father had said her mother had left them for another man, but April didn't believe him. Her father had gotten remarried to a nice woman named Alaine and that was Emma's mom. Even though Emma and April were half-sisters they were like real sisters- inseperable. Alaine had died when she gave birth to Emma, so Emma didn't have a mother either and that's what made them so close. When they lived with their dad April acted like Emma's mother even though April was three years older than Emma.

April picked herself off the couch and opened a box of magazines. She picked one up and flipped through it carefully. She treated her magazines like family, that's what Emma always said. April laughed to herself at how crazy Emma's antics were. April sighed, she was very lonely at the moment. Her bestfriends, Jake and Carsey, were back in Ohio. They said they would visit, but Jake was at college and Carsey was still trying to find a job back in Ohio. Emma had to leave her boyfriend, Jacob, behind. April knew Emma was sad and missed him but Emma covered up her emotions by acting like an idiot. April felt sorry for Emma but she had decided to come with April.

A couple minutes later, April just felt the urge to get up and go look around their new surroundings even though it was nighttime. She grumbled as she stood up, her head still throbbed. She put on her shoes and walked out the door. She walked down the block not even looking where she was going, it was like something was pulling her towards...someplace.

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