Silent Screams

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I'm a loner and that's all I will ever be

People don't like me and I understand why

Who would ever like someone like me

I'm a loser that writes depressing or make believe shit

I don't stand out

I'm just the silent creams of a person that I had once known

That person doesn't exist anymore that person is lost in aplace they can't return

It is basically like they were never real

And it is my fault

I let them go

I let myself go

I kill myself without dying at all

But I felt all the pain

 I brought it on myself

This all is my fault

Everything is my fault

I will never understand why people every stay around me

I feel bad for them, but I don't want them to go

I'm confusing like that

Another reason why people shouldn't be around me

I was made to be alone

That's the only time I'm happy

It's pretty sad but that's my life

Just sad

But again I deserve everything I get

So I shouldn't complain about it.

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