Our Support System - Ino

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Waking up next to Sai in their own bed a couple of days later was like a dream.  She reached over, before even opening her eyes, to feel his warm skin against his hand. She heard him moan as she touched him, so she wiggled her fingers a little, tickling him.  He laughed, tickling her back and making her squeal. They both laughed, rolling in the sheets.

"Stop!  You're going to make this baby come early!"

He did.  They both did, still breathing heavily.

"I'm so glad to be home with you."

She kissed him passionately. He reached out, cupping her hips in his hands, but she flinched in pain. He pulled back immediately.

"Sorry, it's my hip where I fell."

Sai pulled the sheets down, looking at her bruised hip. It was fading but it was still purple. He bent down, gently kissing her bruised skin. Her belly was getting very large, which amazed him every day.

"Come on, you need to get ready to go to Hinata's baby shower. I didn't realize how late it's getting."

Just then, a knock came at the front door of their home.  Sai got up and put his yukata on to answer it while Ino picked through her closet, deciding what to wear.  Temari emerged a minute later behind Sai.

"Come on, let's get there early so we can get this over with."

Sai chuckled.

"You don't seem very thrilled about going."

She shrugged.

"Baby showers aren't really my thing.  None of this stuff is anything I enjoy.  Her whole family will be doting over her, and her friends.  And, honestly, I know I'll never have that so I really don't want to participate.  But, since she's my friend, I guess I should, even though it's a drag."

She had a small grin on her face when she said this; Ino couldn't help but laugh.  

"Wow, you're turning into Shikamaru."

"Well, he does have some good points."

Ino kissed her husband goodbye, walking slowly with her friend to the Hyuuga family clan house.

Hinata's baby shower was beautiful; it was filled with generations of Hyuugas. Ino sat quietly with Temari, who, after an hour or so, looked like she had enough of the party. Ino felt the same way. It wasn't the party itself; it was the aching loss in her life that the party represented. Ino knew that for Temari, it was the absence of her family in this new village. For Ino, it was the absence of her father and the disintegration of her clan afterward. The war had ripped many clans and families apart through death. She sat there, seven months pregnant, jealously watching the Hyuuga women fuss over Hinata and her belly. Her baby would only have her and Sai. Who would fuss over them? Her mother was starting her new life as a widower, having moved to a nearby village with Aunt Naomi.

"Hey, Temari. I feel kinda light headed. I'm going to go."

"I'll walk you home."

They bid their farewells to the mother-to-be and headed off.

"You okay, Ino?"

"Yeah, just too much sadness in one place for me. I'll know I'll never have any of that either."

Temari walked beside her.  Ino knew that she understood. They walked in mutual silence back to Ino and Sai's.

"Thanks for walking me home."

Temari grinned at her.

"It's no problem. We kunoichi have to stick together."

Ino was surprised when Temari reached out and hugged her, holding her close.

"Thanks for being my friend here, Ino. It's been hard being so far away from my brothers."

"I'm here for you. Stop by anytime. I just sit here, bored and pregnant, all day."

They both laughed and Temari bid her farewell, heading down the stairs and presumably back to the Hokage's office to see her husband.

Ino unlocked the door to find her husband's nose buried in a book on the couch. He looked up at her, smiling.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be back for at least another hour."

"Yeah, I just don't feel well. I was ready to come home. Temari was nice enough to walk me back."

Sai jumped off the couch, taking her around the waist and supporting her. He took her to the bed and helped her get comfortable, putting pillows under her head and knees.

"Was it not a good party?"

"Oh, no. It was a wonderful party, full of family doting on Hinata and her unborn baby."

Sai looked sad.

"And all the things you and Baby Yamanaka won't have?"

Ino burst into tears.

"I've tried not to dwell on it, but it's true. Baby won't have a large, loving family. My dad won't even get to meet my child."

Ino cradled her belly as she sobbed. Sai left and came back a moment later. She felt a cool washcloth on her forehead. It was oddly calming.

"Baby may not have the clan support that the Hyuugas do, but we are certainly not lacking in love."

He laid down next to her, putting his hand inside of her kimono and resting it on her growing baby bump.

"You two are my entire world, Ino. Since that night you rescued me, I went from completely lost and uncertain to the luckiest man in Konoha. I've found the love of my life, and she's honoring me deeply by carrying my child."

He leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the cheek before continuing.

"And I know you worry about this baby having a support system, but Baby already has an amazing support system: the Hatakes, the Naras, the Akamichis, just to name a few. They would never let us fall. Oh, and of course the Uzumakis. Just because they aren't blood doesn't mean they aren't family."

He was right, but it still stung; especially not having her father.

"I know, but it still hurts, Sai."

She placed her fingers delicately against her chest.

"I know it does, Ino."

He took her hand and entwined his fingers with hers.

"Sai, you have nothing to be sorry about. You wanna talk about being honored? You've honored me by taking the Yamanaka clan name. Sai Yamanaka. It's absolutely beautiful. And my father would be so proud to have you in our clan. You're strong and smart and talented. And so resilient. I bet he's resting peacefully knowing that his little girl is so loved and well taken care of. Thank you, Sai."

"Thank you for taking me as your husband."

She nestled into Sai, inhaling his musky scent and enjoying the warmth of his skin against hers. Ino could still feel tears falling form her eyes. Sai kissed her forehead protectively. She stared out the window, watching the sun set and the sky slowly turn dark. She could feel her eyelids getting heavy as she slid a hand under Sai's shirt, feeling the soft, scarred skin on his chest and stomach. He was already asleep, but a smile crept across his face as she touched him.

"This baby couldn't have a better father, Sai. And I couldn't have a more perfect husband."

She caught his lips part in a small, silent 'thank you' before she, too, fell asleep.

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