Chapter 10

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Just like old times. That's how it felt. Amazing to be with friends who actually cared about me. Not fake friends who just used me to feel better about themselves. I was chewing on a fry when Ellis looked up in awe. I turned around and there was Luca.
"Hey, um, is this seat taken?" he asked pointing to the seat next to me. I shook my head and smiled. I apologized to him for thinking he was the one spreading rumors and told him he was right, as always. Ellis just kept looking back and forth between me and Luca with this big dopey grin on her face. Then Luca got this really serious look on his face.
"So Ember, um, I know that we-" he was cut off by the loud speaker calling me to the office.
"Hold that thought." I told him and got up.

"You found him?!" I asked not believing it. They had found my kidnapper. Turns out, he was still in his hotel room drowning his sorrows in alcoholic beverages and listening to the Beatles.
"Yep. He's in our custody now. He keeps saying he wants to talk to you, saying he's your father." a burly cop informed me. I felt kinda bad considering that man kept trying to track me down. Maybe he was my father.
"Actually, could I talk to him?" I asked with confidence. My parents happy smiles turned into grimaces. The cop looked around uneasily.
"You would have to have someone there with you." he stated.
"I know."
"He might not even be your real father."
"I know."
The cop, I figured out that his name was Nate, sighed.
"If that's what you want."
"We're gonna be there too!" my parents exclaimed at the same time. I laughed finally realizing a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.

I told no one about it. Even though I really wanted to. Although, I was kinda excited to talk to this dude again, just to figure out what's going on in his mind. Luca never got to finish what he was saying since I got back just after lunch. I was sorta hoping he was going to ask me to the dance. But maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up.

Soon the day came for me to talk to the man who I later found out that his name was Jake Tassen. I nervously adjusted my cardigan and then started to fiddle with the buttons. We were waiting in the precinct. They finally called us into a room with a grey table and two chairs on one side of the table and one on the other. Jake was led in and sat on the side with one chair, all the while his eyes were locked with mine. Around his wrists were silver handcuffs. I sat across from him and a Nate the cop sat next to me. Jake gave me a small smile.
"I don't blame you for turning me in." he sounded drunk, which he probably was. That made me angry.
"Well, frankly, I don't care how you think of me! And stop breathing on me, your breath smells like wet dog." my response was snarky and Jake didn't seem surprised at all.
"Can I talk to her alone?" Jake seemed to stumble on the words. Nate shook his head and stared at Jake hatefully. I knew my parents were watching just outside, though the two-way mirror. I shrugged and mouthed please to Nate. He shook his head again.
"Please! He won't talk to me if you're here! Look, he's in handcuffs, he can't hurt me! Pleeease!" my voice sounded whiny but I didn't care. I had to talk to my "father" and try and figure out the truth. See if he knew anything about my twin. Nate finally rolled his eyes but stood up and walked out of the room. Jake watched him leave lazily. Once he was gone Jake got a serious look on his face and lowered his voice.
"Here's all you gotta know. I am J.T. the one black-mailing you. I wanted to meet you at the park...but someone followed me there. I was too blind with my emotions to realize they have been bugging my house and following me. I put you in danger and I'm very sorry. The girl you saw was a duplicate of you not a twin. I'll explain later when I I'm released. I-"
"How do you know you're going to be released?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Well not released you want me to continue or not?" he asked raising an eyebrow himself. I squinted at him.
"How do I know you're even telling me the truth?"
"You don't." he answered seriously. He continued with his explanation before I could respond.
"Somebody also knew you were going to be at the park. They were the ones who hit you with a dart- they were trying to capture you."
"Why?" I asked shakily. I was so scared my hands shook.
"Like I said, I'll explain later. The duplicate is helping them so be wary. From now on, don't trust anyone." As if he knew they were coming, Nate walked in and told us that our time was up. I forced my face muscles to stay calm so nobody would suspect anything.
"Hey, you okay?" my mother asked while both my parents hugged me.
"Uh, yea." I said evenly even though inside I was screaming.

Ember IgnitingWhere stories live. Discover now