Nighttime Cuddles (Hailstormshipping)

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This one is quite old, so excuse me if the writing feels somewhat different. It was actually my first try at non-smutty stories.

Set before Kai joined the ninja team.


The night was chill, although not too much. The incoming summer was working its magic, allowing the temperatures to be just the perfect amount of warm and cold for a night outdoors.

"Sensei couldn't have picked a better time," Zane commented securing their belongings on the firm branch of the tree where they had decided to sleep.

"Yeah." Added Jay with a dry laugh, back firmly pressed against the trunk.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Jay wasn't one to question Sensei's teaching, the man was old and therefore wise, and a skilled ninja master on top of that! But why did he have to ask them to spend a night out in the woods as part of their training?

"Are you afraid of the darkness or nature's elements, Jay?"

"What?! No, no! 'Course I'm not! I'm fine. I'm a ninja!"

"That's technically not true yet, we're still Sensei's pupils."

"It's a form of speech, Zane." He groaned at his friend's insistence to take every word in the literal sense. But that was true, Jay was not afraid of the darkness nor being out in the middle of nowhere when the sun had already set. It was this other thing that had him on edge.

"Hey," A third voice called for them from the ground. "Come down, I think I've found a better place." Jay and Zane looked down at the noiret who was sporting a confident smile.

With a groan, Jay helped Zane untie the rope from the tree that was supposed to keep their bags safe and both apprentices jumped down. Jay doing a pirouette in the air. "Show off." Muttered Cole.

"Jealous much?" He grinned, proud of his agile body.

"Not at all." Cole flexed his arms, the black uniform tightening around the strong and prominent muscles, jeopardizing the well-being of the clothing.

"Who's showing off now?" The three of them started to laugh.

"So where's that 'better place' you mentioned?" Zane turned to his friend, pulling the small bag over his shoulder.

"Right there, at the top of the slope," Cole said motioning a few feet away.

The three soon-to-be ninja masters walked together, following their friend through the woods until they came to a clearing. Cole stopped at what seemed to be a random spot. Jay looked around, uncertain as well as the blond. "Uh... How is this a better place?"

The noiret chuckled, sat down on the fresh grass unceremoniously and instructed his friends to do the same. Jay and Zane took a seat at each side of Cole. "Look up." And so they did.

Jay gasped and Zane stared in awe at the marvelous starry sky above their heads. The night was clear, not a single cloud to disturb the shine of the tiny sparkling dots.


"Pretty, right?"

"It's so cool." Jay mouthed virtually breathless.

"Even better than what we can see from the monastery, uh?"

"Beautiful, indeed," Zane added. "Thank you, Cole. I don't think there's a better place where we could spend this training."

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