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Amelia P.O.V

"I can't believe I'm going to be moving to Liverpool and living all by myself, dad!"

"You sure are sweetie!"

"Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank us... Thank your grandfather who left it to you in his will."

I kissed and hugged me parents as I got my luggage and went to go find a seat on the airplane. I had everything I needed especially my guitar. While I was on the plane I thought I should start the new book I wanted to read.

It took a whole lot of hours travelling on the plane. I hated travelling on airplanes, they always made me nervous because when I was in my early teens my dad would like to watch 'air crash investigations'.

While I was on the plane, I couldn't help but put a smile on my face, I was so excited to see what my new house would look like! What new people would I meet! What new friends I will make?


The plane trip was so very boring but the thought of living alone in a whole new place excited me.


I got to Liverpool and got off the plane, I looked like the classic tourist, I squinted as I looked at my map. I finally figured out where my new house was, it was at 22 Forthlin Road.

"Oh that sounds cool!" I said to myself.

I grabbed my bags and caught a vintage taxi cab to my new home. As I was in the cab I was staring out of the window in awe as I noticed that all the houses looked almost exactly the same as each other. I thought to myself, how would I be able to find my house!

When I got to my new house, I paid the driver, grabbed my bags and went into my new house. I unpacked all of my bags and went shopping because my house was completely empty!


When I came back, I was starving so I made myself some lunch, just a simple sandwich. After that I went upstairs to my bedroom so I can practice my guitar a little, I self-taught myself to play the guitar. There was also a piano which was left in the house, I was so happy when I saw it because I love to play the piano. I'm such a geek for music!

I could stay in my room for hours straight just playing my instrument, I absolutely love it! As I was playing I could see out of the corner of my eye, in the house nextdoor to mine a young teenager boy, probably about 17 years old thoughtfully gazing out of the window to my direction and smiling to himself occasionally. He was playing a bass guitar, that appealed to me because I could also play the bass.

He was cute to be honest!

After about 10 minutes I could hear the faint sound of a phone ringing and the boy next door got up and walked towards the phone, he spent a couple of minutes on the phone then went back onto his guitar.

A little later after that I could heard the doorbell ring at his house as he got up to answer it. He brought two boys which looked around the same age as him, they must have been friends, into his room and they all played guitar together.

Paul's P.O.V

John and George just called me up and said that they wanted to practice together. Usually I would be happy that they were coming but I've had my eye on a new girl who just moved in next door, now they were being quite annoying.

Anyway, they came over and we practised for a while in my room. But I wasn't very focused the whole time.

I sat there, at the window, just gazing out and thinking about the beautiful girl I saw next door. I could hear a little bit of whispering between John and George, then finally John spoke up.

"What's up Paul?" He said looking in my direction, I could hear George giggling quietly in the background. "Paul?". Now John was laughing.

"Oh, what?"

"You good?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I continued to stare outside the window. I wonder what her name could be, I wonder how old she was, I wonder what she like?

A few moments passed and I could faintly hear John and George still talking. Then John decided to speak.

"So, who's the girl, Paul?"

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