Zwei Schritte Vor...Dreizehn Zuruck!

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Alastor had stayed behind when Angel left because he wanted to give the other a little time to figure out how he felt. Alastor knew what he wanted, but it wasn't all about him, at least not this time. Whatever Angel decided to do in the end, Alastor wanted it to be Angel's decision, not something he felt forced into by Alastor. This new bit of information should have made them both have hope but in the end it felt more like they had taken two steps forward and thirteen back. Honestly, they were back to square one, not knowing what each other felt and afraid to ask.

As the twilight of early evening set in, Alastor found his way to the roof once more, taking up his usual place beside the chimney. He liked being able to observe things without being noticed, and honestly, he figured that he could use some time alone to think things through. Today had been a whirlwind of emotions, and it was beyond time for him to think more rationally, less emotionally.

Since he had remained behind when Angel hastily departed this afternoon, he was able to ask some questions to which Charlie didn't have a lot of information, but at least she was able to fill in some of the blanks. In theory (although no one had ever done so, to Alastor's knowledge) it was possible to break the curse if the couple involved were to recreate exactly the dance they had previously. Charlie said that this was the only way to break the magic of the blood moon curse. Alastor should have been pleased to hear this news, but for some reason, it only made him feel more melancholy. He had begun to acclimate to the feelings of warmth he had for the spider demon. Alastor had begun to realize that he liked having someone to share things with, to feel close to. Never before had he experienced this type of intimacy with anyone, and although it frightened him at times with its potency, he found that he didn't want it to go away.

Angel Dust woke up with a pounding headache, and the knocking on his door wasn't really helping the situation out much. He sat up slowly, calling out for whoever was at the door to wait a damn minute until he could get there. Maybe that would make the insistent knocking stop.

It wasn't too much of a surprise when he opened the door to a demon clad in red. Angel Dust had somewhat expected Alastor to stop by at some point this evening. He knew first hand how much the emptiness nagged him when they were separated. He decided that this soulmate business was both blessing and curse. He enjoyed the fact that Alastor spent more time with him, but he hated the intensity of the loneliness when they were parted. Maybe in time he could find a way to manage better.

Usually Angel would have plenty of witty things to say, but he wasn't feeling it right now. A weak "hey" was all he managed, as he left the door open and walked back to his bed, taking a seat on the side and rubbing his aching head.

Alastor stepped into the dimly lit room, unsure, really, of where to sit. He would prefer to sit next to Angel, but wanted to respect the other's space as well. He decided to stand for now and play this by ear. Hopefully Angel would give him some kind of sign of what he preferred.

"So, ah, Angel?" Alastor was too nervous, and he was not ever nervous. "I was hoping that we could, erm, well, talk about today." Angel ran his hand through the mussed up fluff on his head, looking weary and perhaps a bit depressed.

"I guess that'd be a good idea." he mumbled, looking at the floor. Angel looked back up to Alastor "You wanna sit down? Probably won't be a short talk." Angel had gestured to the foot of his bed. "I don't really have anything else to sit on, I don't get much company here."

Alastor crossed the room and sat down next to Angel Dust on the bed, leaving a little room between them so as to not make the other uncomfortable. It seemed that neither of them could think of how to start this conversation, they were both looking towards the floor, and the awkward vibe in the air was palpable.

"So," Angel was the first to speak. "about what Charlie said?" He wasn't sure how to approach the subject, so he did what he'd always done best. It was time to just rip off the band aid. "How do you feel about it, Al?"

Alastor leaned back and sighed, rubbing his eyes. It was strange to see the display of frustration coupled with that shit eating grin of his. Angel smiled in spite of himself.

"I'm not completely sure how I should feel about it." he answered simply.

"I understand," mumbled Angel, "But not exactly helpful."

"It's frustrating to think that after we managed to make some peace with the idea that now everything has changed." continued Alastor, speaking as if he was choosing words carefully to ensure clarity. "And I can't help but wonder why Vox, of anyone, would divulge this information to Charlie, unless there is something that he isn't telling us."

Angel crossed his arms, thinking. "You know," he answered, "I hadn't considered that, but you have a damn good point." The two sat for a few moments in quiet contemplation.

Alastor spoke again, laying a hand on Angel's shoulder. "Did anything that Charlie said change your mind about anything we discussed today?"

Angel was nervous about being put on the spot. How should he answer this? Was Alastor hinting that he wanted to change things if he could, or was he simply wanting to know how Angel felt? It was difficult to tell, since before today they hadn't had too many long conversations. Angel knew that he was going to be leaving himself wide open, but he couldn't find it in himself to be less than honest.

"Al," he said, returning a gentle gaze, "I told you already, I liked you before all of this." He slowly reached towards his companion, gently laying his hand on top of Alastor's. "Nothing Charlie could say will ever change that."

Alastor returned Angel's gaze, and wrapping his claws around Angels, he answered, "My feelings haven't changed either, my dear. I simply need to know that we are both in agreement." The two shared a moment together embracing, Angel already feeling the tear that escaped from his eye, and wiping it away before it might be seen.

Alastor chuckled darkly. "But I still want to know what that walking picture tube is up to." His eyes looking as sinister as his smile.

"So are you saying you want to make a plan, Bambi?" Angel cocked one eyebrow up

Alastor laughed at the impertinence of his partner. "I think I do, my Angel. I think I do.


We are so close to the end of this story! I have enjoyed writing this and I hope that you all have enjoyed reading it! If there is a story that you would like to have written, just drop me a message or leave in the comments. I don't mind writing pretty much anything, although I won't do the obvious "no's" like pedophilia, etc. NSFW is fine. Erotic is fine. Fluff is fine, lol. I just enjoy the writing. :)

Also, I wanted to be sure to give a shout out to @cutesymaldita for coming up with the idea behind the story! Thank you for giving me the chance to entertain you!

BTW: the title of this chapter is in German. Extra points if you get the song reference. :) (video at the top, if you would like to listen.)


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