Penty - Raid!

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Angel was restless.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt the urge to be doing *something*, even if he didn't know what. He wasn't used to feeling this way, as generally he was quite content to lie around and enjoy his down time. He was a simple demon. When he was working, he gave it his all. When he was not working, he gave that his all as well. Maybe he could get in touch with Cherri and try to go find old Penty-Poo. He was always good for a quick skirmish and he was so easy to get all flustered with the innuendo. Angel picked up his hellphone, sending a message to Cherri.

When it came to technology, Angel Dust was the opposite of Alastor. Where Alastor tended to lag behind the times, clinging to what he was used to during his living days, Angel quickly embraced the new technologies. Perhaps it was because Angel needed to be able to keep up with the younger crowds if he was going to continue to make a decent living. Alastor, on the other hand, had created a niche of his own, which was really on his own. He didn't have the need to contact anyone that he couldn't just visit in person. Angel couldn't think of anyone that would call the deer demon on purpose, either.

Angel was beginning to feel the stirrings of the uneasiness again, feeling that overwhelming need to do something, and as that need grew, Angel was aware that it wasn't just any old thing, he needed to create some chaos. Luckily for him, right about that time he had an answer from his pal Cherri, and she was on her way to meet up with him and go kick up a rumpus. Angel squealed, causing Nuggets to lift his fat pink head and snort in Angel's direction. Angel Dust never noticed, he was far too busy getting some clothing out to get ready to go and raise some hell, or raze some Hell, as the case would likely be.

A few minutes later found Angel making his way out the front door of the hotel, heading to the agreed upon pick up spot where he would be meeting Cherri. He didn't want her to be seen at the hotel since he was completely certain that Charlie and Vaggie would NOT approve of his shenanigans. As he turned the corner to duck into the alley that would lead him to Cherri, another couple turned the corner from downtown to follow the sidewalk back to the hotel. Angel saw Alastor's red coat, which was pretty much one of a kind, but he wasn't sure who was with him. He hadn't seen another demon that dressed like that in a long time. Looks like Smiles found a buddy, though, as their fashion sense was the same, even the colors were similar. 'Oh well' thought Angel. His heart wanted to see Alastor, but it looked like he would be busy with his guest, anyway. Angel had left a note with Husker to deliver when Alastor came back so that he wouldn't worry about Angel. He made the last turn at the end of the filthy alley and saw Cherri waiting for him, sitting on the trunk of the car that she was driving.

"Nice wheels, sis!" cried Angel. He hadn't seen this one before. He wondered if she stole it or if she had bought it somehow. He decided to not ask. It didn't really matter anyway, this was hell and there weren't any rules here. "So," he said with a sly wink and a smile "where are we headed, toots?" He climbed into the passenger seat as Cherri slid into the driver side.

"I saw snake boy's blimp on the way over. You ready to blow some shit up?"

"Oh babe" he said, "I was born ready!" He hooted into the air, feeling exuberant at the idea of sowing some discord.

"Let's do this!" cried out Cherri, stepping on the accelerator and speeding through the streets until the dirigible loomed in front of them, having touched down momentarily in a block covered with debris that had once been buildings, long since destroyed by another turf war.

It was hard to say which of the pair was on their feet first, and although Cherri threw the first bomb, Angel Dust was right beside her, a Thompson in his lower hands and twin handguns in the top pair.

"Hey, Sir Pants-less!" bellowed Cherri, heaving one bomb, then quickly following up with another. A squadron of egg bois came swarming from the doorway of the ship. Angel was mowing them down with a combination of his pistols and the Thompson, high as hell on the feeling of the moment. When had chaos felt this good to him before? He couldn't have said, but this was like tripping on some first-rate shit! He squeezed off his first bunch of rounds, stopping to reload once he saw that the group had been splattered on the ground.

"Hey, Cherri?" yelled Angel, a smirk on his face as Sir Pentious made his appearance, "If he don't wear pants, d'ya think he's got underwear? Angel cackled at his own wisecrack, turning his head to Pentious, who looked very much unamused at Angel's antics. "So Pantsless, do you have underwear on? Is it a G-string?" he stopped, and his smirk grew wider as an idea occurred to him "I know!" he turned to Cherri, "I wonder if it's a Py-thong??!?" He had turned his face back towards Pentious with the last word, inflecting it as if he were expecting an answer. "Dat what it is, Pantsless?"

Sir Pentious' face displayed his current level of irritation, he rolled his eyes, both hands on his hips. "That's also none of your God Damned Business!" he hissed at the two, his head switching to and fro with each word.

"Oooh" taunted Angel, "Look, sugar, I think we hurt Egg-Lord's feelings!" he laughed again, maniacally, opening fire on the latest swarm of henchmen. Pentious fired off a strange looking weapon that wrapped the two together in a chain, causing Angel's guns to fall away from him and disappear.

Pentious was caught in a fit of over the top laughter as the egg bois carried Angel and Cherri over towards him. "Looks like you're all trussed up, you classless whores!" he cried out triumphantly, his chest thrown out in front of him in victory.

"Yeah" purred Angel, "but now you've got us all tied up, whatcha gonna do with us?" he countered seductively.

"You two will be begging for release before I finish with you!" threatened the snake.

"Oooh." Smirked Angel. "Kinky." He waggled his eyebrows.

"Will you STOP that!" demanded Sir Pentious, indignant. "You know what I meant." He huffed.

Angel shrugged, then he disappeared, reappearing behind Sir Pentious, who froze instantly.

"Hhhow did you do that?" he demanded, a tremble in his voice, his color faded slightly.

"Heh." Chuckled Angel. "I'm a slut, remember? We whores are known for our tricks." He manifested a pistol and shot Sir Pentious in the tail, causing the snake to fall over, writhing on the ground. As Pentious glared back up at him, Angel shot him in the head, knowing that he would recover in less than an hour.

"That was a pretty cool party trick, Angie!" cried Cherri, lobbing a couple more bombs into the door of the dirigible as they were walking back to the car. "I didn't know you could do that."

"Yeah" snickered Angel. "I'm just full of surprises, ain't I?" They got into the car and were headed for a celebratory drink when Angel's phone vibrated, and he looked at the message. "Aw shit." He said, disappointed. "I guess you gotta take me home, Cherri." He looked over at his cohort. He shifted in the seat, his good mood rapidly evaporating.

"What's up?" she questioned, keeping her one eye on the road. "Something wrong?"

Angel didn't want to talk about it right now. He just shrugged. "Nah. But some business came up that I gotta take care of. Maybe we can meet up for that drink in a little while?" He didn't think it would happen, and it showed in his voice.

"Okay, Angie." Cherri said, knowing better than to pry when Angel was clammed up like this.

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