Chapter 1 (Stacy)

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"Come on! I want to color, Stacy!" A little 5 year old boy named Andrew said annoying me as I tried to finish my work.

"I said we can color when I'm done, Andrew." I said.

"But I want to color now!" He yelled.

"Sorry, Andrew. I'll be done in 3 minutes." I stated then when back to doing what I was doing, knowing that he couldn't tell when 3 minutes passed.

"But 3 minutes is like forever! Right?" He asked. I giggled.

"Ok, Andrew. Go get the coloring books and crayons and set them on the table. Once you're done, and you come get me, I will be done and will color with you for as long as you want or untill I have to go." I said. He nodded and left. 

A few minutes later I was putting my stuff in my backpack when I noticed Andrew covering his eye, crying.

"Andrew? Whats wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked as he walked over to me. I lifted him up and placed him on my lap.

"The books fell on my eye, Stacy." He said in between cry's.

"Aw. Let me see." Andrew removed his hand to show me his somewhat swollen eye. I looked at him with a pouty face. "I would expect crying from what those books did to you from a girl. Not someone like you!"

"But- But Stacy! It hurts!" Andrew Wailed.

"Would it helped if I kissed it better?" I asked. Andrew nodded so I did. "There! All better! Now, lets go color."

I carried him to the kitchen where we colored till his mom came home.

"Andrew! I'm home!" Andrew's mom said coming in from the garage with her arms full of groceries.

"Mommy!" Andrew said running to his mom.

"Here, Mrs. Lacy. Let me get those for you." I said standing up and taking the bags from Andrew's mom.

"Thank you so much, Stacy, for babysitting Andrew for me while I was working and getting groceries." She said as I placed the bags on the counter.

"Oh no Problem, Mrs. Lacy. Andrew was perfect as always." I said walking to the door with Mrs. Lacy and Andrew.

"I'm sure he was. Oh here is the money you earned from the week, by the way." She said handing me a few 20 dolor bills.

"Thank you." I said taking the money and putting it in my pocket. Mrs. Lacy smiled at me. I gave Andrew one last hug. "See you around, buddy." I whispered to him before letting go.

I left their house and walked to mine down the street expecting my drunk-off-his-ass father to be standing at the door getting ready to beat me up for not buying him alcohol on my way home. Instead when I walked in, no one was home which must have meant I walked slow enough to where my father couldn't wait any longer to beat me up for not getting his alcohol and he went to get it himself.

I walked up stairs to my room which isn't really a room. It's more like a pillow and blanket on the floor with clothes, a hairbrush, a charger for my sucky flip-phone, a toothbrush, tooth past, and a few other sanitary items in a small duffle bag. The only light I got was from a flashlight by my pillow and the window. The walls were painted a bage color and the floor was hard wood.

I put my backpack next to the dufflebag and sat on my blanket against the wall. I pulled a book out from my backpack. It turned out to be Paper Towns by John Green that my friend bought for me for my birthday a few years ago. I haven't exactly finished the book yet because I was busy being abused by my father. I opened the book to where I left off and started to read. A few chapters later my Phone started to ring. I picked up to see who it was. The number was blocked.

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