Chapter 2 (Stacy)

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I was done unpacking and decided to walk downstairs to find the boys. When I got down the stairs, no one was there. I walked around the house for a bit, checking all the rooms and anywhere that would be big enough to hide.

I found no one.

I checked every where again. And again, I found no one. Eventually I checked the front yard and there was nobody there again. I (reluctantly) checked the back yard. Nothing. How can 5 20 year olds just disappear? I took a few steps farther into the back yard. It was huge.

The backyard had soccer goals, or football goals i should say, an enormous pool, with water slide i must add, a hot tub, and a playground? Why do 20 year olds have a playground in their backyard? I started to walk towards the playground to check it out. Unfortunately, I didn't get there. I was tackled, lift onto someone's shoulder, and was thrown into the pool.

When I got to the surface of the water I saw the 5 boys standing there smiling at me.

"What the hell!? Why did you do that?! Which one of you did that?!" I yelled at them. Almost immediately all the boys pointed to Louis. And Louis, well he pointed to himself as well. I gave him an angry look and he looked at the ground. Harry helped me out of the pool while Niall went to get me a towel.

I walked up to Louis and stood there with my arms crossed. He looked at me then looked back at the ground when he saw the anger in my eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"Louis, I'm not angry at you." I said.

"You're- You're not?" He asked his head raised now.

"I'm not. I may be mad at you, but I'm not angry at you." I said giving him a small smile before walking inside to my room. 

When I got to my room I walked to my closet and pulled out dark blue jeans, my magenta shirt that went down to about 5 inches above my knee and had no sleeves (I cut them off when i first got it) and had my name near the top and a big number 10 on the back of the shirt with a small number 10 on the front top right near my shoulder, and my spare black combat boots to change in.

After I changed, I walked downstairs where I found Liam, Niall, and Zayn playing video games and Harry and Louis playing Foosball. I walked to the TV Liam, Niall, and Zayn were playing video games on and turned it off.

"Hey! I was winning!" Zayn complained.

"You were not! I was winning!" Niall said.

"Oh please. You didn't even have a quarter of the circle filled with your color!" Liam said.

"Stop arguing! You can continue playing whatever game you were playing-" I said

"The game has a name, Stacy."  Liam said

"When I'm done telling you guys what I need to tell you." I finished ignoring Liam's statement. I then walked over to Harry and Louis and took the little ball from them.

"Hey!" They complained.

"Sit on the couch with the others." I said before walking to the other side of the couch where Liam, Niall, and Zayn were sitting. Harry and Louis jumped over the side of the couch and sat down.

"It's getting late and I don't feel like cooking and don't want you guys to cook. Where do you want to eat?" I said tossing the little ball back to Harry.

"Are you letting us pick anywhere?" Niall asked.

"Anywhere." I repeated.

"You sure you want us to pick? I mean anywhere is pretty much the whole world." Harry said.

"I don't care. I mean don't you guys have a private jet or something? After all you are rich."

"True but it will still take a while to get there." Louis said.

"Ok then anywhere in London."

The boys looked at each other and smiled.

"Anywhere?" Liam asked

"Oh my god, I already told you anywhere." I said annoyed

"We just want to make sure." Zayn said.

"Well I'm sure I said anywhere 5 or 6 times already." I said crossing my arms. The boys looked at each other again.

"McDonald's." The 5 boys said in unionism.

"Why am I not surprised.  Ok, you guys have 10 minutes before we're leaving." I said walking out of the room.

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