Chapter 4 (Stacy)

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Once we got home, the 6 of us went to our rooms and got ready to go to the interveiw. I changed into the loose marron sweater, white tanktop, dark blue jean, and black flats the boys got for me at the mall and curled my hair then walked out of my room and downstairs to see the 5 boys waiting for me. I tried not to laugh at the fact all 5 boys were wearing black jeans.

In case you were wondering, Zayn was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, black jeans with tares at the knees, and black shoes. Niall was wearing a dark gray shirt with rolled up sleeves over a white tee-shirt, black jeans with tares at the knees, and black shoes. Louis was wearing a black tee-shirt and black jeans with black shoes. Liam was wearing an outfit like Niall's only the shirt over the white tee was black and the jeans didnt have tares at the knee. Harry was wearing what looked to be a black poka-dot shirt with the top few buttons unbutton, black jeans, and fancy brown shoes.

"Ready to go?" Liam asked. I nodded and we filed into the car and drove to the airport to get on the jet.

Once on the jet, we took off and headed back to Californa for the interveiw. Yay I'm back to being close to someone who abuses me. Note the sarcasum there. About 5 minutes into the flight I got bored so I stared out the window watching the clouds and daydreamed

Once we landed, Harry tried to wake me up from my daydream but with me thinking its my father, I started to freak out.

"Stacy, its ok. We're here." Harry said. "Relax Stacy. Its Ok." he said again. I stopped daydreaming and stood up.

"S-Sorry... Bad memories here." I said and walked off the plane. Harry followed behind me. The other 4 were already outside waiting for us.

"About time he got you up." Niall said. "Thought you would sleep forever." He joked.

"I wasn't sleeping, I was daydreaming." I said smiling. The 6 of us walked to a black SUV and loaded in. We drove to the Ellen studio where the interveiw was.

"Welcome to the Ellen Show, Guys!" The producer greeted us. "Its great to have you here!"

"Thanks. Its great to be here." Zayn said.

"Right this way to your dressing room. You won't be on till later in the show so you can hang out in your dressing room and backstage." The producer said.

"Sounds good." Liam said as we walked into the dressingroom.

The producer left us in the dressing room. Down the hall I heard him yell "5 minutes! Where's Ellen?"

"So this is what interveiws are like? Way to happy and nice people showing you to a room where you can watch the show?" I asked. The boys nodded. "Thank God I'm not famous and has to do interveiws." I said sitting down on the couch. The boys laughed.

The 6 of us watched the show from the dressing room. A little mre than half way threw the show Ellen did a "helping with homework" segment.

"The first letter is from Andrea. 'Dear Ellen, I always end up failing my Math test when the test asks 'x=3 x 69. Find x' and what I do is circle x and write 'its write there!' Could you help me understand why I got it wrong? Thanks.' Well first lets point out the ovious. You misspelt right. See its spelt r-i-g-h-t where you spelt it w-r-i-g-h-t." Ellen said. "We'll be right back with One Direction!"

"Looks like we're up next." Louis said. The 5 boys got up and walked out of the dressing room. A few minutes later Ellen came back on.

"Welcome back! 5 guys from the UK are here. They are Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam or better known as One Direction!" Ellen said. The audience started screaming. The 5 boys walked on stage and huged Ellen then sat on the couch. "So, let me get this right. It's Harry Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis right?" She said pointing the each boy as she said the name.

"Yep." Zayn said.

"Ok I got it right." She said. "So you 5 just finished your Where We Are tour in October then went back to the UK. Right?"

"Yep." Louis said.

"And you just relesed your new album Four, correct?"

"Yes." Liam said.

"Man you guys have been busy." Ellen Joked. "Now there been a few romors going around. The first one is Harry sending 1989 red roses to Taylor for her new album." The guys looked at Harry.

"I did what?" He said.

"You sent 1989 red roses to Taylor." Ellen repeated.

"I never did that. So thats just a romor." Harry said.

"Ok. Next romor was you 5 befriended a monkey that was in your music video."

"We did actually. It was a very friendly monkey." Louis said.

"Ok so that romor is true?"

"Yeah." Louis said nodding.

"Ok next romor. Liam's dead." Ellen said. "Well we know thats not true. I mean he's right here."

"Yeah thas not true at all." Liam said.

"Next one is that Naill wrote a song on Four about Liam's Girlfriend."

"Thats not true." Niall said.

"But you said it." Harry added.

"Yeah I said it. As a joke that is." Niall said.

"Ok The last romor is that you guys are living with this girl now." Ellen said as a picture of me showed on the screen behond them.

"That is every bit true." Zayn said.

"Yeah." The others agreed.

"Oh well tell us about her." Ellen said.

"Her name is Stacy." Harry said.

"She's really nice." Zayn said.

"She's pretty cool if you don't come up behind her and throw her into the pool." Louis said.

"She really calm." Niall said.

"She kinda looks like Louis." Ellen said.

"She does look like him alot if you give her what Louis is wearing." Liam added

"She's actually is here with us." Harry said.

"Stacy is here with you?" Ellen asked. I started banging my head agenst a pillow.

"Yeah, in our dressing room." Louis said.

"Ok. Uh Will, go get her!" Ellen said.

"Got it." Will said then left and walked back to the dressing room. "Stacy?" He asked.

"Thats me." I said standing up and walking behind him. When I got to where the boys walked on stage I was pushed out on stage. I walked over to a chair that was at the end of the couch by Louis and I sat down.

"Hi! You must be Stacy." Ellen said.

"Yep." I said smiling.

"Tell me, what's it like living with One Direction?" She asked.

"Well I've only been living with them for a day, but from what has already happened, I can tell I will be thrown in the pool alot in the future."

"Thats only if you're in a grumpy room." Louis said. I rolled my eyes. Ellen laughed.

"Ok, well, we got to go on break but when we come back we're going to do a little game and brings some fans from the rift raft room in here to play with us." Ellen said and we went to break.

Me and the boys stood up so they people could swap the couch out for a bigger one for all 6 of us to sit on. a few minutes later we came back on the air.

Babysitting One Direction (One Direction FanFic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now