Chapter 13 (Louis)

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"Louis stop pacing." Liam said.

"Shhhh! I think she answered!" Niall said. "Nope. Just voicemail."

"Ugh!" I grooned ploping down on the sofa.

"Aw its ok Lou. Stacy will have to answer sometime!" Harry asured. I wish I could believe him. I just found my sister that I didn't even know was my sister and then lose her! Why does being a brother have to be so hard. I hung my head in my hands.

"Ok... If you say so." I replied.

"Shhhhh! I think I got it! No wait, just voicemail..." Zyan said. There was a knock at the door and Zyan went to go get it. "Pizza!" He yelled. Niall scrambled over the sofa and ran to the door. He came back with 2 boxes of pizza and a slice in his mouth.

"Who want's pizza?" He asked setting the pizza boxes down on he coffee table.

"Shhhh! I got threw." Harry said. we all stared at him in shock. It was his first time even calling Stacy... "Megan. Megan. MEGAN! Listen to me. Is Stacy there? Uh-huh. Ok. Put her on?" Harry put the phone on speaker.

"Yo-yo Styles. What do you want?" Stacy asked.

"Stacy, where are you?" Liam asked.

"Am I on speaker?' She asked.

"Yes!" The 5 of us yelled.

"Now answer the question. Where the hell are you?" Zyan asked.

"What? Guys, It's to loud in here. I'll call ya when we get to Megan's apartment." Stacy said before the line droped.

"Well, that was helpful." Niall said putting his fourth slice of pizza into his mouth.

"Stacy said something about Megan's flat. Where does Megan live again?" Liam asked.

"New York." Niall said walking out of the room. He came back with a redbull in his hand. "What? She told me!"

"Which she, Megan or Stacy?"Harry asked.

"Megan." He resopnded.

"So, Stacy is in New York?" I asked. Niall nodded.

"Would you like a city as well?" He asked.

"Would make it easier to find Stacy." Liam said in a duh tone.


"No. No. No. Louis, stop thinking that right now!" Liam said

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You're thinking that we will just drop everything and get on a plane to Manhatten to go get Stacy." He replied. "I mean thats just mad! We can't just drop everything we are doing and go."

"Liam does have a point." Zyan agreed. "Did you even think that maybe she just wants to have a little time to herself and think about being your sister?" I sighed.

"Maybe your right." I said.

"Wait, don't we have an interveiw with Jimmy Fallon in a day or two?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. So?" Liam replied.

"We could go to Manhatten after the interveiw." Harry said. We all nodded in aprovel.


*2 Days Later*

The plane just landed and I jumped out of my seat. I started to run towartds the exit before Liam and Paul stoped me and pushed me back to my seat where I sat there for another 2 minutes before I could get up again. I raced off the plane followed by Harry, Niall, Zyan, and Liam. We waved to our fans as we ran to the exit and alowed Paul to deal with our bags since we will be staying here for a few days. We got in our desiganted black van and drove to the hotel. Once there, we headed to our rooms and unpacked. I was done in a matter of minutes, so I decided to watch some TV waile I waited for the others. Pretty soon there was a knock at my door and the boys walked in.

"We're going to go site seeing. Wanna come?" Liam asked.

"Sure. Why not." I replied getting off my bed and walking out of my room with them. We grabbed our jackets and headed out of the hotel room. We got in our black van and drove to the Statue of Liberty first, then a few other places after that. After the 4th stop, the boys and I decided to walk around the city.

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