Chapter 3

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I was walking with Sinclair and Rose through the gates of the Castle, we were headed into town. Sinclair said we shouldn't let the coin go to waste and we need some sort of supplement for bullets and the oil for my drill. As my loud footsteps collided with the ground I couldnt ignore the fear and disgust that resided in the states of the civilians, nobles, and guardsmen that looked on. Sinclair just ignored them, walking slightly ahead while looking back at me every so often. Rose held my right index finger with her small hand as she led me along, I swear of any of these people attack her... there will be hell to pay.

Once we made it to the market Sinclair asked a bystander for something like a general store. The man was reluctant at first but once he heard me make a threatening noise he quickly pointed us in the right direction. We strolled in the direction we were told but were stopped by the three stooges from the castle. If I visibly roll my eyes, I would have. The blonde one, the child lover, was the one to put his hand to my chest to halt me. I was about to give him a few facial piercings with my rivet gun but Sinclair and the other two heroes intervened.

Sinclair:  "Dont waste your energy, Sport. We're only here to get some equipment anyway."

The other two stooges said something similar to the blonde bitch as they went on their way. When we finally made it to the store we made our way in, and to the first employee we saw. She was frightened by me but Sinclair managed to get her to come around. We were told that there is something I could replace my oil with, pure liquidated mana. I could then coat my drill in any element I please, so long as I visualize it. We decided to buy three refills worth which left us with three fourths of the coin we started with.

Once we left we searched for the blacksmith. Honestly Sinclair should've asked the general store lady for directions but OH WELL. We couldnt find it after searching for hours so we decided to bunk at the local inn. Turns out, the Shield Hero and some red headed woman were also going to be staying there for the night. After Sinclair and Rose ate, we left for our room. Shortly after they went to sleep as I settled into a corner of the room and sort of did the whole power down thing I've done since i became a Big Daddy. Not exactly sleep but it has the same results and applications.

-Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n repeatedly beating Motoyasu on the head with his drill-

I was 'woke up' by Sinclair, he had a nervous look on his face and his eyes kept darting to the door frantically.

"Sport come on, we gotta go! The locals think you went on a massacre last night! They want your head and they're trying to get Rose and I away from ya. I barricaded the door but that'll only last so long!"

I nodded in understanding and got to my feet. I made a quick scan of the room for any escape routes, the door was obviously a no go. It would just lead to an actual massacre, no windows either... good thing I'm great at improvising! I then put rose on my back as she wrapped her arms around my helmet tightly. Sinclair was next, I picked him up in my right hand and charged at the outside wall. Focusing on my drill, I let some of the pure mana leak into it, visualizing the drill being engulfed in lightning. Next thing I knew, it was as I imagined, I swung it at the wall, making it explode with the force of a thunder clap. Taking no time to look back as I heard the door bust down, I quickly jumped down and into the street.

Sinclair POV

The big guy just landed on his feet after the jump, his poor knees must be in agony. He took another quick look around and sprinted at something he saw, after a few minutes we exited through the city gates. Rose and I were set on the ground once we were deep in a field with some trees here and there. Though there was one really big tree, under said tree was that boy Naofumi. I looked to Y/n as I heard him groan softly and his eyes turned a soft blue. I let a small smile on my face as we made our way to him.

Naofumi POV

I sat under a huge tree trying to catch my breath, everyone there wanted my head. As I gritted my teeth I felt a few tears fall from my face, causing me to clench my fists. I quickly wiped the tears away as I heard loud, metallic thumps on the soft grass. I turned to see... well I never caught his name, but it was the fifth hero, the man in classy clothing, and the little girl. I quickly stood and got in a defensive stance incase they were looking to drag me back to town. Then when they stopped the one in the armor made a series of groans, grunts, and... whale noises? HOW DOES HE SPEAK WHALE?!?!

Sinclair: "Allow me to translate, the big guy here says he's sorry for whatever you were accused of. People said he murdered several people in cold blood last night, so hes also on the run. He also says that you two never properly met, and that his name is Y/n and he would love to form a joint party with you."

I stood there in awe as I dropped my stance, this man in the most threatening armor I've ever seen, seemed to have quite a big heart. I smirked and shook his hand.

"I'd be happy to, I'm Naofumi by the way. I'm about to set up camp, I dont suppose you'd mind lending a hand would ya?"

3rd person POV

As the newly formed party appears on both hero's HUDs, they begin to set up camp. When it came time to light the fire, Y/n used incinerate to start the flames. After Naofumi saw that the group of four sat around the fire and told one another about their worlds and lives prior to being summoned. Later on they go to sleep and await the next day when they would return to town for a few more things before setting out for another kingdom.

A/n: Wow it has been a while, I hope you guys enjoyed. I plan on making Y/n 20 years old in this, I know Big Daddies are usually older but who cares?! You're getting a love interest!  Anyway, catch ya next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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