Immortal Sacrifices

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What would’ve happened if Merlin went to Arthur during Camlann instead of being Dragoon the Great? Merlin is the most powerful sorcerer, surely he could save his king.

Merlin’s POV

They told me to run.
I told them never.
I screamed as they pulled me away. They don’t understand, I can’t leave my destiny. However even my destiny pushed me to safety.

Arthur pushed me to Percival who picked me up and ran. “No!” I screamed over and over, struggling to break free but the knight just kept running.

The normally soft giant fought everyone in his path getting us to safety. I wished Lancelot was here to help me. However he is now dead and gone, leaving me alone in the middle of a group of knights who don’t understand. “Please,” I screamed but no one paid me any attention.

However soon the kind knight tried, “Merlin Arthur needs you to be safe!”
“I need to be next to him! I have to protect him!” I fought weaker now letting the tears build up.
“The battle is going terribly Merlin! We won’t win this one. It’s best if you just stay out of it!” Percy took me off his shoulder once we were farther away.
“This is Camlann! It might be Arthur’s last stand, his last battle! I need to save him!”

I go to run but Percival’s arms stop me once again, “with what? What could you do? You don’t know how to fight! You aren’t a warrior!”
I look at Percival, “will save him like I always do! With my magic!”
The friendly giant freezes and looks down at me, “you have magic?”
“I was born with it!” Without wasting anymore time I run back to the battle. I smile a little when Percy catches up to me and instead of dragging me away runs next to me into battle.

I see Arthur and Mordred looking at each other with sadness and hatred. I whisper a spell and suddenly I’m face to face with Mordred instead of it being Arthur. A sword enters my stomach making me gasp. “Emrys?” Mordred voice fills my ears. Arthur screams my name but I didn’t look at him.

I could feel the magical blade eating away at my body. Mordred smiles down at me and I return it however the pain makes it fall from my face. I send a wave off magic towards the enemy, it was like lightning. Who knows maybe it was lightning I couldn’t tell everything was going too fast. Mordred cried out in pain and dropped like a bag of rocks and just like that the battle was over. Arthur and Percy race towards me stopping at my side. “Merlin!” Arthur picks me up and races towards the medical tent that Gaius and Gwen were in. “Quickly clear a bed!”

Percival followed his king and I tried not to groan or make any sounds of distress. When Gaius saw us his breath hitched, “set him down here.” Gwen’s hand flies to her mouth and lets out a choked sob.
“Ar...thur,” I tried but my body was shutting down. “I’m sorry.”

Arthur snorted at my words and his face held a painful look, “shut up Merlin. Save your breath…” Arthur’s voice caught, “you’re not going to die. As your king I demand you to use your…” Arthur wiggles his fingers. “Your magic to save yourself.”
“He can’t Arthur… it’s a blade that kills everything it touches,” Gaius whispered.

I tried to laugh but all that came out was a cough. “I’ll be fine… I’m tired… Arthur?” My king held me or maybe it was someone else, I couldn’t really tell.
“I’m here Merlin, I’m not leaving you.”
I smiled and looked where I could’ve sworn Arthur just was. “Gaius, I did it… you hear that? Arthur’s okay. My destiny is safe…” however my brain realized Arthur wasn’t in front of me actually everything was gone. “Arthur?” Where did he go? The king wasn’t here, was he okay? I thought he was safe, so where is he?

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