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zach was in the studio with daniel. he was talking to the producer about the album he had finally finished. it was coming out that month and he was nervous but also excited.

he sat on the couch to rest before daniel asked something "so how's jack?" zach the answered "he's doing really well. i'm happy for him" daniel nodded "i bet it's nice having him live with you...but i bet you miss being together, don't you?" he asked and zach sighed

when the break up happened zach ranted to daniel almost everyday. so the tooth gap boy knew a lot about the situation.

"yeah i miss being able to love him the way i used to but it's better this way, or atleast for now" he shrugged and the tooth gapped boy nodded before they shortly got back to work.

"hey zach, here's some postmates that was delivered here, under the name...shorty?" tatum walked into the room and zach let a small smile spread across his face. he remembered back in highschool he used to call jack shorty, it wasn't a lot but ever now and then he would.

"okay thanks tate" he thanked her before grabbing the bag as she walked back out. it was a tacobell meal for him and daniel with a little note sat inside have a good day! can't wait to see you later :)

"i'm guessing it's from jack" daniel questioned and the brunette nodded before they ate.


jack was hanging out with noen and mario per usual. they were sitting at jacks while they watched youtube on the tv.

"when's zach coming home" mario asked "around 5...he's supposed to atleast" jack spoke "well should we leave by then?" noen asked and the boy shook his head "nah it'll be fine, i mean it is around what 2? right now so we have time and maybe you guys can talk and catch up with him" jack shrugged with a small smile and the two boys nodded.

they continued chilling and talking and having some fun together as time passed by quickly. before they knew it zach was walking into the house.

"hey jack i'm h-" he stopped himself as he saw the guys sitting on the couch "hey noen, mario, how are y'all?" he asked politely as he waved and they stood up "we're good, how are you?" mario asked "i'm great actually!" he smiled as the they said bye before leaving the two alone.

"well they told me they weren't gonna leave but i guess it's fine" jack chuckled to himself as he stood up walking to the kitchen. "well, anyways...my album is done besides releasing it now...i'm scared but excited!" zach chatted as he walked up behind the curly boy...he went to wrap his arms around the boys waist but quickly stopped himself.

"wait can i have a sneak peak at the album! you know like old times" jack turned around and zach shook his head "nope, sorry but you have to wait like everyone else" he grinned as the freckles boy frowned. "damn that sucks"

they then went outside and decided on getting some fresh air. jack wanted to play some games so they threw the frisbee back and forth before they got bored and then decided on walking to the beach, of course being cautious.

"i can get you the moon..." zach started singing at a quiet tone as jack admired him, he missed the boy singing to him...he missed a lot about the two being together. now of course he wouldn't tell zach that in fear it'll mess their friendship up.

they made it to the beach and laid on the sand underneath the bright sun and crisp summer air. "hey you wanna have a swim?" the brunette asked but jack shook his head "i just wanna lay under the sun for a bit" he sighed as his eyes remained closed and the brunette nodded before taking off towards the ocean blue water.

around an hour later they decided on leaving and going back to the house. jack cleaned up the mess he and the two boys made while zach made dinner. before they knew it, it was 8 or 9 o'clock and they were getting tired.

they both took showers, one after the other. they then separated to their rooms. zach lied awake thinking about his new album and how it would affect the people around him...but he also thought about the other boy that was a few feet away in another room. he wished so badly he could be in that same bed with his arms wrapped around the boys waist kissing his cheek as they slept peacefully...

"hey zach...are you awake?" the brown eyed boy heard from the doorframe. "uh yeah i'm awake" his was raspy as the curly boy walked into the room, sleep covering his eyes. "could i uhm lay down with you? i don't have to just u can't sleep well..." zach rose uo and patted the spot next to him, signaling for the boy to come lay down. he did as proposed and laid down inches away from the boy as he drifted off to sleep, zach heard the boys subtle heartbeat as his chest rose and fell, he wrapped his arms the boy before whispering.

"goodnight love, sleep well..." he then kissed his cheek very softly as he fell asleep peacefully.

maybe things could go back to how they were before, before all the drama, the heartbreak, the fighting and everything in between...maybe things could go back to love, happiness, smiles and all the things between it...but that's just a maybe...

hi loves!
i'm sorry this took so long! i've had writers block as most of you know, and now i'm sorta back, hopefully i'm able to keep up the updates!!

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