Rough night..I will never forget you..Rest easy up there 😭😭💗🙏🏽

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Once there was a girl writing the story of how she lost her great grandma, Tia, nana, and bunny. Welp here it is..

On a normal night a girl was minding her own business and her sister came in and said "Your not full blasting music in you room? Your boring."

So she checks her searched history on YouTube and sees a song called "Yo te extrañare" she listens to the song and starts crying because of last memories..

She continues listening to it for another hour still crying about losing loved ones...

She is heartbroken and decides to call her best friend but her best friend can't call for very long so just after five minutes of explaining she hangs up on her and call another friend.

She calls her other friend and her other friend lost her grandma but not great grandma. The girl and her friend both ugly cry and start laughing but crying at eachother for ugly crying..

Her and her friend (Samiha) talk for an hour talking and crying from past memories and loved ones lost..

Before she called anybody she wondered..."Why Me..Why you" and in the lyrics of "Yo te extrañare" it says god decided to take you by his side up into heaven.

It got to her and she was upset and it hit her. God doesn't make all plans but nothing is never an accident and always has a purpose..

She also remembers that you only get one life and you had yours and she sees the lock screen wallpaper of her old iPad and it's her bunny..

She starts crying and then it all began. "Why Me..Why did you have to go.." The song she listened to that made her cry also says "Ey malos momentos que vivimos juntos..Para dar te un abrazo..y nunca soltarte..."

"Pero nunca penseee que doliera tantooo" and that got to her because that means that "But I never thought that..It hurt so much"

She cried for a while two hours that night and she stopped but she will never forget her tia,nana,bunny and great grandma for who they were and not for who they are now..

Moral of the story: Always love someone because they are here right now and don't be sad because they are gone be happy that they were here and even though you may have had bad times you should have had some good ones. Pray for your loved ones and hope for the best in life.."Don't be sad that it's gone. Be happy it happened."

-P.S: I don't have time to read so if there are mistakes please tell me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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