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Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions are highly sensitive topics and matter.The story somehow touches some points related to these conditions.Please be reminded that the storyline, characters, scenes, concepts,dialogues and author's connotations are not to emphasize,execute mockery,or romanticize any mental health condition or society set up and certain cultural or race related remarks. The characterization involved in each character's dialogue -- harsh to brutal or may not are intentionally written to emphasize and highlight character and story development. Some of the concepts related to these are merely fictional and unreal to our standard scientific facts, general geographic situation and actual life norms. The term usages and characters' name are based on various languages derivations and common literature and characters are all fictional in nature.The author firmly emphasizes this point to avoid misconception of plagiarism or any violations of intellectual property rights. If there is any song which was mentioned in the story to convey story development, these were properly credited (written) for the artists or composers' ownership.

In addition, please do not reproduce, translate into any language or dialect, print out or copy and paste the content of the story to any social media platform without the author's consent as owner of the story.
The author wants to contribute how love for someone, for friends,for colleagues,for family members including our pets,love for our arts and crafts and love for self can be possible in bizzare and mysterious occurrences of mind and circumstances in life. Let us enjoy the fiction in such positive mindset and heart,let us savor the characters' transformations and mirror ourselves to their journeys ,and how beautiful it could be to experience love invarious forms and perspectives of human thinking.


This work of art is for my beautiful reasons: My siblings Kuya Ednhel,  Jelic, Chi, Cang Paul and Eully. For my parents and family, for my beautiful baby niece Cassandra and my beloved dog Draco Malfoy.For my partner in life Jordan.My departed grandparents. The love for fiction will not be carved onto my heart without the inspirations from my personal loved authors ,musicians, band members ,artists and of course to my Lord Jesus Christ for being my "Beautiful Reason to live a life while fighting against all sort of depression and anxiety of life"

Remember: Be a beautiful reason to every person you can possibly touch by heart and soul every single day. Life is unpredictable and unsure,live the most of it in creating happiness and spread kindness to everyone.

Love from your penpal,
Teacher Cheesecake
Joie Cubacub

Drifted Lovers: The Chocolate Raspberry [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now